BotW is such a gorgeous game, but it irks me that Grade A, Prime Nintendo IP still lags and gets choppy on its own hardware. A speed and RAM boost is all I’m asking. If it played games ROCK SOLID at 1080 or even 1440, then I’d be happy with it.
BotW is such a gorgeous game, but it irks me that Grade A, Prime Nintendo IP still lags and gets choppy on its own hardware. A speed and RAM boost is all I’m asking. If it played games ROCK SOLID at 1080 or even 1440, then I’d be happy with it.
I normal see it pretty easily, but I admit I was having trouble noticing a huge difference in this particular game.
It could also be because I’m looking at it on a fairly small screen at the moment.
Did I just see a rat crawl across the ledge in the Razor Ramon video at the 55 second mark!
Go back to sleep, President Trump.
Hey Stardock *campers*, you are making us very *frumple*. When we *smelled* that you *Silly Cows* and *campers* from *above* were both making a Star Control game we were *jumping peppers*. Yes! It is too *funny*.
Troll much? Go away
You keep saying that like it proves some point. It doesn’t. The West does not have any MH games on the Switch , and bringing XX over here would alleviate some of the frustration.
“I prefer conversation with people so I can be a snarky dick to every single person that talks to me.”
> It was one of the first memes ever
Officer: Where you coming from?
This means collecting the 900 Korok seeds, completing every shrine, and even filling out the photo book compendium of beasts and weapons.
God forbid we try to actually respect what the people want from a DNC chair. I’m seriously considering leaving the party over this bullshit.
Just keep alienating everyone who didn’t vote the way you wanted them to. That should work out great in the next election.
“The only people who pay $99 bucks a year for an awesome service are obv mentally retarded”
I’m really curious why a lot of liberals now seem to think we should start trusting the CIA, considering like- everything it’s ever done. Whether it’s installing fascists abroad, the fucking Phoenix Program, their involvement in cocaine trafficking-
Hannah, I’m disappointed in the clickbait title. Claiming these agencies “did not present evidence” is not merely misleading but untrue. You are spreading same sort of misinformation that drives clicks for conspiracy bloggers and Fox News.
Because there’s a difference between doing something on what is technically your own time and having sexual material on your screen which could create a workplace issue. Again this is the kind of thing I don’t expect you to understand since you no doubt do not have a real job with professional benefits or…
I know this must be a foreign concept to you but qualified individuals with real jobs have things like breaks where we can do what we want. Since you probably sweep floors for a living I guess it can be forgiven that you’re unaware of such things.
He’s wearing camouflage pants.