
At least Howard Dean isn’t as dense as some Dem fucktards like you. Good for him for recognizing that Democratic Party should not be about identity politics anymore and keep his grabby, filthy establishment paws off the DNC chair position.

I’m replying to you because you’re replying to me, fucktard.

Oh looky here, we have a fucking Hillidiot.

Democratic Party has became the “coastal party” - the blue color is reduced to cities on east and west coasts for the most part.

Nice job ignoring the working-class/blue collar Americans. The “fly-over country”, etc.

If DNC doesn’t install leadership that can come up with a

Keep those fucking filthy establishment paws off DNC - this includes Howard Dean. If it’s molested by establishment Dems again, god help us, we’re going to see a repeat of 2016 all over again.

Shitty journalism. It’s not about hoping to overturn election and give the win to Hillary (that’s a loonnng shot anyway). It’s more of about verifying (via paper ballot counting) whether or not the results were within acceptable level of error or if they were way off (suggesting potentially hacked results, or some

*rolls eyes* Hillary is such a fucking angel, everything else in the world is the devil /s

Holy shit, look at all those whining brats going “waa waa” over Jill Stein.

Should we call a wahhmbulance?

Jezebel, are you still doing shit like this? Imagine how much better off we’d do if all the energy you spent doing on articles like this goes instead to rebuidling DNC, the Dem party, and organizing our fight/efforts to take country back to our side in the future elections, starting with 2018 mid-elections? (don’t

Wondering how long Jezebel is going to whine, blame, point fingers for the Trump presidency.

Maybe it’d be better if Jezebel moves on and instead focus on rebuilding DNC, the Democratic Party, and focus on 2018 mid elections?

Face it, Hillary sucked as a presidential candidate. I voted for her, but guess she was not

8 years? More like 4 years, if that much at all.

I swear, I hate to read the comments in Jezebel, because they’re so selfish “Hillary was the choice, I blame everything on Bernie supporters”. No, Hillary lost because she was a fucking terrible candidate who didn’t appeal to the working-class Americans. Some people really need to get that thru their gd’d thick

Looking at some of the comments in this article, it appears some haven’t learned from our mistakes at all. God help us if we continue to ignore the working-class Americans and we manage to fuck up again in 2020, smh.

Yep, you are dumbfucks and turds. You - yes, YOU. Losing the election and actually trying to place the blame on Bernie and his supporter base.

I guess it never occurred to you that Hillary lost because no one on Dem side gave the rural/working-class America a voice. They were completely ignored by Hillary (while

I’m really okay with the Democratic candidate and his or her supporters not attempting to win over people who think bigoted slurs are appropriate. Having a big tent is all well and good, but that big tent should never have room for people who demean and dehumanize other people under it. You can go ahead and vote for


Actually, in your own source, the under $30,000 change from 2012 went 16% into the direction of red. same for $30k - $50k: 6% into direction of red.

So, in those groups, *more* are voting for the GOP nominee compared to 2012.

Whereas in $50k and above groups, *more* are choosing the Dem nominee compared to 2012.


But this was *early voting* - regardless of who’s in line or not when polls close, why would it matter if it closes 2 hours later? It’s not even fucking general election day yet (which is today).

Considering those votes came in during early voting days (which is *before* the general election day - today), I’m not sure what the problem is?

Republican logic..

Yeah, I don’t see those type of comments either. Instead, he should have said “Time for the inevitable ‘what’s the point of doing those levels, where’s the fun in it’”, which I’ve seen plenty of ;)

Damn, how did you escape from one cesspool into another?