Darth Credence

Taco Bueno is indeed better, but I’ve only seen them when I lived in Texas.

Del Taco is so much better than Taco Bell.

It’s not lit yet, so maybe he didn’t actually smoke while filling the tank? We can hope?

It is, unless your only basis for comparison is the truly bad stuff they make chocolate Santas or Easter Bunnies out of. I know when I was younger, I was thrilled to get Hershey's instead of those.

Unless season 5 was added in the last 12 hours, Netflix does not have all five seasons of Better Call Saul available.

I’m done with all the snowflake karans in this world!

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Justified (I’m in season 6 of rewatching it right now) taught me that US Marshals do whatever the hell they want, but if you are as cool as Raylan Givens, you get away with it.

More couldn't think of a way to say he was just standing his ground and shouldn't be prosecuted.

In other words, you live in a weird place that doesn’t have delivery. That matches what I said. Thanks for confirming.

Easy way to get around this for scalpers is to not list the units until they actually have them. I’m all for stopping scalpers, and this will probably stop a few, but not many.

Everywhere I have ever lived, which includes Utah, Oregon, Florida, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas, I could order a pizza and have it delivered by the store itself. I regularly see cars with Domino’s, Pizza Hut, Papa John’s, Marco’s, and various local joints. If you don’t have such in

Fundamental flaw - taking data from Grubhub as saying anything about the state of delivered pizzas. If you are ordering pizza through Grubhub, there is something seriously wrong with you, because if there is any type of food that you can count on being delivered by the store itself, it’s pizza.

That was on the White House website when Obama was president. I’m not making this up - Nixon died respected by Republicans. It is important, because it shows that Republicans have not cared about the horrible things their Presidents have done for decades, and they probably won’t start with Trump.

And yet, Ellen continues to run her talk show and make a ridiculous amount of money. That “scandal” went away quickly, regardless of any “roasting” from Dakota Johnson.

Was the Rock ever a part of this feud? It seems like he just went about his business while Tyresed made a big deal out of it, but I could have missed something.

The only reason I would say this won’t happen is because he’s already 70 years old. He wouldn’t lock down a seat for more than a few years, so no way would the GOP waste a seat on him.

There is no rehabbing George W. Bush’s image - he’s a war criminal, so the idea is laughable.

Think of the stick as your head. Which way does your head move to look down? Which way does it move to look up? Inverting matches the way your head moves. This may or may not be the reason for most, but I think it’s why inverting feels more natural for me.

Eating out 3 times a day, 27000 restaurants can be done in just under 25 years. Many of those will go out of business in the meantime, but you can certainly eat at every restaurant in New York that hasn’t shut down in a single lifetime.