Darth Credence

Every time I read an article that mentions finding a seat at a movie, I wonder where that is still a thing. It has been decades since any theater other than the dollar theater (are those even still a dollar?) has not had assigned seating here. Since I’m in Utah, I assume that we are generally behind the times on

If you are innocent, fight the charges. The people who can pay big settlements can absolutely afford to go to court.

So you only got the kids?

They should. So should everyone else who settles a court case, whether it be for breaking employment law, environmental regulations, or paying off the person who accused them of a crime.

He certainly is an offensive coordinator, amiright?

Fair enough. I don’t tend to go to those types of parties, either, but I’ve been to them, and that is what I think of for “dinner party”. Something that Martha Stewart thinks you should spend a week cooking for. If that is not what the original poster had in mind, then never mind.

I am specifically referring to a “dinner party”, as opposed to just a party. At a party, you all hang out, doing whatever fun things like running around outside, or playing games, or grilling some burgers, or whatever else comes to mind. That’s a perfect place for families.

While it may have been funny on Curb, I don’t think it actually applies to a party. (And while I haven’t seen the episode, I would imagine that whomever he was giving the big goodbye to probably didn’t want to talk to him, either.)

Or, don’t bring picky children to dinner parties. I don’t really know why people are throwing dinner parties and inviting young children to them, but apparently this is a thing.

No. If I go to a friends house for dinner, I will absolutely eat what they eat and not comment on how they are feeding their kids. If they come to my house, they should do the same. If they feel like they cannot get their kids to be polite members of society, they should turn down the invitation.

Of course they condone his actions. 

OK. Has Sanders ever said his thinking has changed on this issue? Does he continue to say things that make it seem like his thinking has not changed?

I’ve had my swearing rant already, so I don’t need to type it up here. But there is so much wrong here that I just get more and more pissed off every moment I think about this.

iDom might have gone on to win the entire tournament, but in this moment, Santhrax showed why he’s still a force to be reckoned with after all these years.

I so despise character limits on passwords. I still have one at work that is minimum 6 characters, maximum 8. And this is on what is probably the most sensitive system.

Yeah, but so what? We all know it’s rigged - by definition an awards show being put on by an industry to help prop up the industry is rigged. Does it really matter exactly how it’s rigged?

What the hell was that?

Um... so what? It’s an awards show being put out by an industry to help prop up the industry. It’s not like there is some objective metric that can be used to determine the winners.

Remember when the WNBA first started, and they had the “We Got Next” series of commercials? If not, the concept was three of the biggest names for the new league went to play pick up - it may have been at Venice Beach or Rucker Park, but I don’t remember exactly where they were.

You were the one who said “with less guilt than chain stores going “Would you like to donate a dollar today?” at the register.”. Our entire discussion is whether or not getting an item removed is less guilt inducing than saying no when asked to add a donation. If you think that it is less, then say that. If you don’t,