Darth Credence

Since the most expensive museums are $25 to visit, and that would only get you three cases of Mountain Dew, even if you don’t like Mountain Dew taking the lifetime supply is clearly the rational choice. A lifetime supply is going to be on the order of a case a month - if you sell the Mountain Dew to someone for 1/3rd

When you see black guys loitering at Starbucks, ask if they are waiting for someone before you call the cops. When you wonder why a student is acting up in class, ask them if everything is ok at home. If you see a black woman with a 3-C curl afro or locs, ask her if you can touch her hair.

I’ve been to the only one from Utah on the list, and it isn’t even the best pizza place in Utah, so I cannot possibly believe in this list.

Why is the point the best bite? And if you evenly bite the point off a triangular slice, don’t you just create two more points, like some saucy hydra?

What do you see as the fundamental difference between 1, 3, and 4 if you find 3 and 4 the best? Is it just total size of the piece? I would not have thought those were different enough to warrant being numbered differently.

I will agree to your “all pizza is great” statement if you agree to stipulate that most national chains - Pizza Hut, Little Caesar's, et al - are not actually pizza.

Orgies. I’ve yet to see anyone bring cutlery of any sort.

What is the actual difference between 1, 3, and 4? It looks like it’s just the size. What makes 1 better than the other two?

By the same logic, you can continue to play any video game without paid DLC, or microtransactions. You often can’t play online without the paid DLC, and similarly, you can’t really play in tournaments without the upgrade to version 2. I did not make that upgrade, and have just not played at my local game store since.

Their board game division is great, but they are also the leaders in the board game equivalent of microtransactions. The $50 per faction to upgrade X-Wing to second edition, the fact that Eldritch Horror was released without half of the game, not to mention the loot box equivalents in living card games.

First thing on the list - yeah, that sounds good, I can get behind that. Everything else - nope.

That looks so much worse than I imagined.

So, regarding number 1 - do you call it a check or a bill? The cliche is asking “Check, please!”, but I’m fairly sure I’ve called it a bill at some point. The usage for “check” is there on Merriam Webster, but it is the sixth definition of it as a noun, and specifically says to see “bill”. But if you follow that link,

If I have a day to gather up all I could carry and take with me, I’d do the time travel. I can absolutely make a generator, so I could power a laptop, on which I could have pretty much any knowledge I need. I’d be a god.

Someone please tell me the other article is just a stealth way to get here, and IT’SUGAR is not real. That’s the worst name I’ve ever heard.

“Can I get some horseradish?”

Wait - so in two of the three categories, venti isn’t even 20 ounces?

If consumers are going to go insane over stuff like this, we should let them. A bunch of restaurants will go out of business. Then people will realize that they don’t want to eat at home, and that the few restaurants open are way too crowded and charge too much. New ones will be started, and their prices will reflect

It honestly shouldn’t include tip, either - the cost of the employees wages should also be borne by the employer. But that ship has sailed, so I tip. But none of us should be accepting of adding something else to the list - as you say, false advertising.

Raise the price of your food. Health care is part of the deal as a business owner in America. I don’t pay a health insurance surcharge when I go to a movie, or when I buy some shoes - all of that is wrapped into the price of the goods. Charge what is necessary to maintain your business.