Darth Credence

I went to see IT yesterday, and they had Cheetos popcorn. I like Cheetos, I like popcorn, I figured I would like Cheetos popcorn. I did not. I’m not entirely sure why, as it is exactly what you would expect from Cheetos popcorn, but it just didn’t go down right.

For the most part, it’s because for all of the idea that it’s laughing with the geeks and nerds of the world, it is absolutely laughing at them. It doesn’t take the main characters as worthwhile people on their own - it shows how they are all non-functional and need a “normal;” girl to come along and teach them how

If you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao,

Posted two minutes before you:

I don't know, but now that you bring it up I'm going to try it.

I’d start with what would happen if he weren’t in the Senate. The other Vermont Senator is a Democrat, but the Governor is a Republican. So there is at least a possibility that he would be replaced by a Republican. I’m not sure if Vermont has anything tricky going on with replacing a Senator, but if it is like most

I am going to assume that this is sarcasm, as I have no intention of ever playing a Swift video.

Do you take from the communal bowl into your own bowl, or is this a situation where you are both sitting close enough to actually eat from the same bowl? It’s cool either way, as far as I’m concerned.

I submit that there is a third way to serve them, and it is my preferred method - in a tupperware container. I load everything up in there, put the dressing on top, then shake the crap out of it until the dressing ends up thinly coating the rest of the salad. Then I just eat it straight from the tupperware, because at

And if you already have no debt, or at least no debt over and above the a house payment with very low interest that is tax deductible? Do we then have permission to buy a coffee whenever we want?

That’s great - for you. But retiring early has its own set of problems, and if people choose to enjoy things along the way rather than try to retire early, then that’s great for them.

This would be good snark if it were true. But tallow can also be made from mutton, so snark fail.

Five Guy’s, sure. Freddy’s, only if you like that particular style, and most people I know don’t like them that thin. GTFO with the idea that Wendy’s does - the only people they reliably beat are Burger King and In-N-Out.

It’s so much easier to deep fry, but man that becomes expensive pretty quick. It takes several bottles of that tallow to get the fryer filled enough. Sure, you can keep it around for a while and do a lot of fries, but still.

As W.C. Fields said, “I don’t drink water. Fish fuck in it.”

Wait - stuffed spaghetti? How would one stuff spaghetti?

If Johnny Paycheck was still around, would he be the best or the worst to get fired to?

This is why I have my own mini fridge. By god, if anyone is going to grow a new sapient life form that will take over management, it’s going to be me.

Maybe I should try to sign up for this, because I’ve seen all of these movies. Back around Christmas of 2015, and running until May 2016, we watched every SK work we could get a hold of. We found episodes of old TV shows, movies, short films - we even found the Russian animated version of Battleground (surprisingly

Good for Mr. Davis- he’s convinced 40-60 people to leave the klan. That in no way means that if other people decide not to engage with racists, they are jerks because of it. If there is a racist and a person who calls them out on their racism and refuses to talk with them, there is definitely an asshole in the mix,