Darth Credence

I was on the Trax line (local light rail) recently, and a person with headphones was sitting a little ways down from me. They had a bag sitting next to them. When they got up to leave, they forgot the bag. A guy sitting next to them grabbed the bag and tried to get to them. When the guy touched the person’s shoulder,

Yeah, you proved that your opinion is completely worthless with our first statement. It’s had to convince people when you stat by saying ‘I’m a racist misogynist, so I think that this woman is a fraud.’

Really? I absolutely do not believe in the Bible, old or new testament, but this is actually a pretty dang easy question to answer. It’s Leviticus 18:22, which translates as some variation of “You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination.” Abomination in the Bible refers to things that are

This is just about the statistics, not the comment itself - the worldwide gender distribution is 101 males to every 100 females. It approaches 51% women in the US, but for the human population in total it goes the other way.

The problem with a thousand lives/perspectives, or the idea that the kids will be better voters because they will get to simulate the outcomes, is that the bias of the programmer will sill be present. You would need a thousand writers, each given free reign to do what they want with their portions, and it would lead

Yeah, but if they stayed with that they might eventually have to grapple with the reason the broken chains are there around Lady Liberty’s feet.

Now playing

John Oliver did this several times with the catheter cowboy. They aired them. Here is a video someone recorded from their TV of one of the ads, as it aired during Hannity:

Now playing

I don’t think it will be quite as effective without the catheter cowboy delivering the message:

Right. Knowing that Disney exists is a long way from knowing that Walt Disney was a person and started the whole thing.

But does that actually make Madden famous? Or is Madden just the name of the game, without all of the players actually having any idea that it refers to a real person? They don’t even have any Madden voice over any more, IIRC.

It seems that you completely misread farting Louis’ question. He is saying that he tries to inhale all of the passed gas by breathing deeply after farting, not that he is holding his breath and thinking that will change the fart.

The answer to the first question seems to be really, really, US-centric. Most of the world today lives in Asia, so it’s hard to believe that the most famous people are either American or a western religious figure. (Including Einstein, as he became a naturalized citizen.) Chairman Mao would be a better bet, I think.

Well, that would leave Jesus right out. Whatever face most people picture, it is almost certainly not an accurate representation of Jesus.

You know what usually happens at full employment? Wages start to rise as companies compete over workers. If you can’t get workers, raise the pay. If a local warehouse can get workers for $13 an hour, then the local Wendy’s can, too.

The Catholic vote tends to be split between the two parties, though. Evangelicals are pretty firmly Republican, but not Catholics. Pelosi and Biden are both Catholic, for example. There are 163 Catholics in the House and Senate, and 99 of them are Democrats.

Why would you think that he is actually good? He is complaining that bad players are able to beat him because of the way they build their character. If he was actually good, he probably wouldn’t be losing.

Good players do beat bad players pretty consistently. If you are losing to people that are bad players, then you probably aren’t as good as you think you are.

I, personally, would be just fine with the cost of games ramping up to $100. I think that is about where they would be if they had been keeping up with inflation for the past three decades. This would be for games that are complete as is.

I give you the experience of In-N-Out burgers in LA:

I was trying to figure out what that had to do with this when I came to the article. And while the band is fine, I’d much rather put the time in to watch that movie than to listen to that album.