By definition, everyone who voted for Trump is a racist. By voting for Trump, they prioritized their own pet issue over the safety and well being of minority groups. Ergo, they are racist.
By definition, everyone who voted for Trump is a racist. By voting for Trump, they prioritized their own pet issue over the safety and well being of minority groups. Ergo, they are racist.
That poll is incredibly depressing. Sure, 51% of Americans can correctly identify that the President is racist, but 45% can’t, and the remainder just aren’t sure. Calling someone a racist has, indeed, lost all meaning, because if people can’t agree on Trump being a racist, who can we all agree on?
Wouldn’t surprise me a bit if they have it. Would surprise me quite a bit if releasing it meant anything.
It would seem like a weight sensor in a car seat, with a Bluetooth connection to the person’s smart phone that causes an alarm to go off (that overrides any silencing) would be a decent answer to this. Most people have smart phones and keep them on their person so they don’t forget them.
I’m fairly certain that that was the author of this article saying that, not Ms. Griffin. If it was Ms. Griffin, it probably would have been include in the quote box.
I might not change Chalupa, or Gordita, but no way would I call my dog Crunchwrap.
Has anyone ever actually kept the name of a dog they adopted? Especially a puppy? I could see it if the dog was old enough to know its name well, but those puppies don’t recognize those names, so I would bet that almost all of them get their names changed by their new families.
Wow. You really can’t tell that Nolan is making fun of the people who originally posted this, can you?
You didn’t specify America in claiming it’s always dark if you get up early enough, but OK.
The people in Svalbard, Norway, would certainly disagree with this statement between April and August.
You are well over 100 years late for that train. Halloween in America became about parties for kids and adults in the 19th century. Your idea of what Halloween is supposed to be may very well be what you grew up on, but not on a national scale.
What meaning does Halloween have other than conspicuous consumption of candy? I’m pretty sure that’s been it my whole life - it’s not like Christmas where people can go around shouting about it being their deity’s birthday.
I pretty much don’t want to ever have that talk, but I doubt if it would be noticeably worse if you were dressed as Elvis.
If we are going to change it, then let’s actually change it. Make it in August, so kids are out of school, the sun is up later, and the possibility of trick or treating in a snowstorm is significantly reduced.
This is just a flurry of all the reasons why I will never understand streaming in general, no matter how hard I try.
I saw that, said to myself that Brandon Lee is dead, and didn’t want to get involved any further.
Ah, yes, I love the lifehacks that come down to ‘use the function as designed’.
I agree with this in general, not just from a calorie standpoint. Most buns are too big. I like my burger patties to be on the thick side, so unless I go with a ridiculous amount of meat, the bun ends up being wider than the burger. I’d much rather have the burger slightly bigger than the bun.
I agree with this in general, not just from a calorie standpoint. Most buns are too big. I like my burger patties to…
I’ve done wings in the Instant Pot, then left them uncovered in the fridge over night to help the skin get crispy, and finished in the broiler. They were fine, but not outstanding - certainly nothing like cooked in a deep fryer.
You guys are in Chicago, right? Only three of these are available in Utah - Lay’s, Kettle, and Miss Vickie’s, and Miss Vickie’s are mostly in sandwich shops only. It looks like it’s even hard to find most of them through Amazon, and when you do, they are ridiculously priced. Utz chips look to be about $9 a bag when…