Darth Credence

Yes, I did, and you can continue to lie about it as much as you want. I first heard about the book on a bad history subreddit that a friend linked me to. There are also a whole bunch of racists pushing that book on other subs, so I read it so that when a racist liar like you decides to push it, I can make sure that

I don’t know - I don’t watch him, but my wife does and enjoys him.

Yes you are - you’ve been doing it the whole time. I suppose it’s time to lie about that, too.

Oh, you’re back again for more lies? Great!

Did he actually do this while he had the Special Olympics competitors there in the room with him? Seriously?

That gif is hilarious, and not something I needed to see, either. But I’m going to go see Cats - it’s a fun play, and the trailer looks great. Go ahead and fight me.

But it absolutely destroys In-n-Out, so there’s that.

Seems like it, certainly, and yet they specifically called out leftovers in the article’s title.

Not really. I go to a Mod Pizza, and get the smallest pizza they have, no way can I eat the whole thing. I go to a sub sandwich place, order the smallest sandwich, and I still take half of it home.

Yeah, it has to be a pretty fancy place for me to think for even a second that they will box it up for me. If I’m paying more than $50 a plate, then it might happen.

If you want to go there, we share a common ancestor with everything on the planet if you go back far enough. (And to make it really creepy, that common ancestor is STILL ALIVE!)

Boy, that same passage seems to work as a way to say that Christians should accept same sex marriage, right? Anyone trying to forbid someone to marry is a hypocritical liar - doesn’t say anything about the gender of the people getting married.

I agree that feedback as to the interview would be nice, but it isn’t going to happen. When we interview for a position, we typically end up interviewing dozens of people. Feedback takes time and effort, and there is just no way we are going to take the time to individually talk about how people who we will not be

Don’t ever do free work as part of a job interview. Show them work you have done in the past, but don’t do work for them to prove what you can do unless they agree to pay you for that work regardless of whether you get a job. This is a great new scam companies have come up with to get a bit of free work done.

Ever driven over the speed limit? Guess what, that means you’re an illegal. From here on out, you should own up to your illegal status. It doesn’t matter what else you have done in your life, you broke that civil code, so you are an illegal.

A white man killed a good friend of mine. I am not using this as an excuse to say that all white men are the same and blaming them as a whole for that. Immigrants are statistically less likely to be involved in crimes than native born people. Statistical analysis shows that areas with more undocumented immigrants do

For me, it’s because he’s pushing a book that had made far too many peyote believe that white slavery was a thing. I want a reply to his links to the book so that there is art least a chance that people will understand the problems with it before they become him.

Try again. It was the bit about how even without signing, they were still indentured servants, not slaves. You absolutely omitted that.

No, you just cut off the rest of the quote that shows that they were indentured, not slaves. You lie, knowingly. You are a racist, knowingly.

Nice place to cut that off. Continue to the next paragraph, where he makes it clear: