yes but... monthly subscription!
I’d love to play it with my girlfriend, and i’m sure she’d enjoy it a lot, but... it’s so expensive for the little time we do have for video games.
yes but... monthly subscription!
I’d love to play it with my girlfriend, and i’m sure she’d enjoy it a lot, but... it’s so expensive for the little time we do have for video games.
I tried it, and its decent for what it is...but I’m just burnt out on MMO’s.
Probably texting
I still have to tip my hat to my former home state of Nevada, which said “Sure, it’s legal, just register with the gambling commission and you’re golden.” That’s some good governin’ right there.
This is bullshit. I recently finished playing the adventure game “Fran Bow” that gave me about 10 hours of game time. They had a team consisting of two people. One person for the art and one person for the coding. The art in Fran Bow was hand drawn, not shitty pixel art.
“Kill Monday”, the name of their company, knew…
$100,000 for 15 months of work sounds like heaven compared to some of the nightmarish profits I’ve heard a lot of game devs get for twice the amount of months.
You say “Hellcat Wrangler” like it’s a bad thing. I want a Hellcat Wrangler just because it would... Well, because... I, uh...
Sooooo, I think this is plenty validation for a Hellcat Wrangler.
You just know that he beat on it.
Alternate CP title: “Shark weak”