

"Uwe" nailed it.

And yet THIS guy got a TV show before Daredevil, Green Arrow or Supergirl. Amazing.

OK So I've scrolled through the comments and I haven't seen it yet:

jet fuel can't melt steel beams

probably. ^_^

I actually miss the bad voice acting in games from the 90s. I don't play for immersion, just sheer fun and I always loved Resident Evil's voices. Tenchu Stealth Assassin had some great bad voice acting, too.

The NFLPA has just found the missing link that solidifies NFL concussions to brain damage.

He might not understand what science actually is.

Oh FUCK these guys. Seriously.

Looks like someone saw Selma on the weekend.

And your director's cut:

You know what else would stop attacks like this? People not being dicks. Or said dicks finding something else better to do with their time.

I can't wait to see the pictures of the police dragging those teens out of their mom's house and into a cop car.

What if all recent hacker attacks are government created and will be used as justification to enable some laws that give them way too much power over the internet... Kind of like the patriot act does over us.

Can we please stop giving the brats the attention they want?

Tortoise is just pissed because cat was doing impressions of him earlier.

C - Krang