
The sjws love to denigrate White Males and watch them squirm. As sjws are promoted at Google, the brightest of the engineers will leave for other companies where they are appreciated and the lowest quality engineers will remain.

All these “stars” from music, TV, movies, etc...


Still hoping for a figma Batou, I mean come on

Another case of someone slipping and falling into the Hudson.

And yet black people keep dying here in Chicago everyday and we have yet to see any blm members here.


Wow I hope this is someone trolling, no one can be this fucking retarded.

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Love how BLM never show up here in Chicago.

all pedophiles deserve to burn in hell

What kind of huge piece of shit would steal from sick children?

Just got my first PS4 today and noticed the lag.

Of course not, he’s a jew.

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What every store clerk thinks soon after the rampage is over.

tv is dead

Yeah, kinda has the look of a nendoroid mech.