Darth Vader

I think what the game is trying to say is that neither of them are good guys. There are the less-than-savory bankers and then the deranged terrorists with good intentions. The good guys are Rainbow Six, who come in and stop the terrorists because, though they are stopping another bad guy, are doing it in a way that is

Well, no. A terrorist is very different from a rebel. Terrorism can be employed by rebels; that is, terrorists CAN be rebels, and rebels CAN be terrorists, but they aren't necessarily the same. You're thinking of an insurgent.

That actually makes "Patriots" a really good title.

For gaming, SteelSeries.

Like what?

Somebody never played Battlefield 2...

Will he take a quest that requires him to say he killed someone, even if he didn't?

WMP doesn't take much CPU at all, unless you're on a Core2Duo 1.6GHz or something...streaming music takes little to no CPU power.



Except that's not what's happening here.

No, I'm not a patriotic nutcase.

"All the points you are trying here to make as to why PCM's are not bad get ripped apart in a very soud, logical and well backed way."

I am well aware of the extent to which the US Defense Department uses PMCs. I was just pointing out that, for the most part, the PMCs stand around important people and places without doing anything.

I have never, ever, once in my career with computers, "safely ejected" a flash drive.

That isn't true. I do it all the time.

Set to music? SET TO MUSIC?

I don't know any exact ratio, but PMCs are not allowed to carry out combat operations. They can only be assigned as security detail and the like.

That's just not correct. The human eye can easily distinguish 120 frames per second from 60. The difference between 30 and 60 is even more pronounced.