Darth Vader

It's a PC exclusive.

It's PC only.

It's PC only.

Yeah the NC tank and shotgun were overpowered. I never played VS because their stuff was so ugly to me.

if (ColorBlindMode == true) {

You can switch that in many games. Even Counter Strike had that.

No. But a desktop of the same price could play 3 copies of BF3 simultaneously at maximum settings.

Here come some comments about whether or not the PS3 is more powerful than the Xbox 360.

They control the supply of cocaine, but the other products can be made for a great deal cheaper by the government. Secondly, I did read that part, I just didn't respond directly to it. But your example was the mafia — who also dabbled in other things. They more than dabbled in illegal drugs, money laundering,

"I meant the costume itself has troll value for idiots online, the people who will buy it, the racist, not the history buffs. Wow, do you understand me now? Never once did I call anyone a troll."

My fellow Americans: stop buying drugs and lame FPS games.

The Vicente Carrillo Fuentes Organization is centered in Juarez, which is the primary route for drugs to enter the United States.

"The Cartels aren't like Capone, who thrived because of the criminalization of Alcohol." You're right — they're like the Columbian drug lords who thrive off of the illegal status of drugs. I don't know how you can argue against that. The cartels are currently thriving. Their source of revenue is drugs. If you take

Auto-updating can be turned off...

You can turn them off.

Me calm down? I saw a wall of text and a bunch of randomly promoted comments, and I asked you why you promoted them and pointed out the hypocrisy of calling people trolls.

Wait, so they pulled it because Steam automatically updates its games for you, and that stops EA from providing support to its users?

Reread your comment. "If you want to blame anyone, blame the veterans of the Confederate Army, ya know, the ones that actually founded the KKK. " Where in there does it mention stigma on the Confederate flag? If you're going to comment on something, make sure to actually involve your point's context. As far as I could

If you poke a tiny hole in a Coke bottle top and drip in some really spicy hot sauce. Leave it there until someone starts gagging and tearing up randomly and then you can reveal them red-handed.