Darth Vader

Yeah I still play BF2. I want to see the multiplayer for BF3. Badly.

I don't think the Wildes and Kenobis get along, but Chillbro Baggins is always welcoming.

Halo doesn't have regenerating health.

They are really channeling Warcraft with that "Crimson Alliance" logo.

As much as I hate to say it...I'll probably get MW3.

The 'or' was meant to bridge the two concepts which were not meant to oppose each other, as in "Is there a Seven-Eleven or a Shell Station somewhere near here? I need some gas."

I'm not making any predictions. I was just saying that we shouldn't jump to conclusions.

To clarify most people's anger:

Most of those annoying teenagers would get their parents to pay for it.


Could always be helpful/understanding...

Ugh, I know, I mean the first part of my burger situation.

Use it for a while, and going back to the 'x' seems tedious.

Shift + Click does not work to close windows.

Dry Ramen + flavor packet = tasty meal for a college kid

Wait...this is shopped, right?

Don't call me simple-minded. Seriously, what about my comment prompted you to be rude? It's unnecessary.

Did you read the first part?

I'm a PC gamer, and I really don't understand that argument. I have to respectfully disagree.

I think comments like this one are better left unpromoted.