Darth Vader

@bowleserised: And what exactly would you say an Al Qaeda terrorist does look like?

Starcraft rip-off?

Buying and using an Xbox comes with a contract. Playing on Xbox Live comes with a contract. He violated both, and assisted others in violating them.

@Llewyn: He had confessed.

Roku is only $59, $79 for 1080p, and $99 for the premium model.

@DigThatFunk: And they all shoot bullets the size of blue whales, right?

...everyone keeps making Xbox jokes. Don't you get it? They only bought these because they contained the computer parts they needed (faster processors) for a subsidized price. It has nothing to with the thing's ability to play games. If they could have got these parts for the same price without 'PS3' written on the

@Kellen Dunkelberger: You're just one of those people. Too stubborn to concede even the slightest point.

@Enorym: I mean...if you really want to take a pentagon and draw the pentagram inside it...you know that it's a mathematical principle that you could do that with any polygon?

@Raniel Bambasi: Wait...where have you been? He's called for the extermination of Israel.

@chefgon: Were you aware that Iran has called for the elimination of Israel from the face of the Earth?

Isn't it great how whenever there's an article about guns, everyone leaves a comment about how many guns they've shot? Or how much bigger the guns they've shot are? Or how much of a wuss somebody is for talking about recoil?

@Kellen Dunkelberger: So if I say "That's a red herring argument" and "The argument you made was a red herring", their difference in tense makes your argument not a red herring?

@Sutekh_Slain: This is clearly North Korea's fault. I suppose you would argue that it was South Korea's fault for getting their ship torpedoed? Or Kim Jong-il's advances in nuclear weaponry?

@T3rm1n4L: All joking aside, the sex pornstars have is not enjoyable for either party.

Next up: does porn make you better at sex?

@Vishus: This game was designed to be played with a controller. This only showcases that motion control is less apt at playing controller-based games than a controller.