Darth Vader

@effoffpunk: I am ashamed to admit that I didn't read the whole thing.

Still waiting for someone to crack a PS3 with a modded Xbox 360.

@Deadp00l: You really just put the crosshair on the guy and pump the Right Trigger until you can't anymore. There are bars in the bottom right corner that fill up, and whoever fills theirs first shoots first. To fill it, you have to press RT while the crosshair is on the guy.

@effoffpunk: See the blood dripping down the foreground man's hand?

@jinchoung: Sorry, I meant: nobody said suppressors aren't quiet under any possible circumstance. They just said they're still loud.

@jinchoung: Nobody said suppressors aren't quiet under any circumstances. They just said that they are still loud.

@jinchoung: The quiet ones use integrated suppressors. Take the MP5SD3 for example — the suppressor is the barrel. They're also using subsonic ammunition, which is much less effective in terms of stopping power and range. Essentially, suppressing a firearm that much makes it useful only in CQC.

@Grive: He's using subsonic cartridges, for one; second, that's still pretty damn loud; third, that thing is incredibly unwieldy and would be unusable in a combat situation. Hunting quail? Sure. Shooting Russians? Nope.

Everyone is saying this is wrong when it is clearly correct — he explained all the physics behind it! What more can you do to prove it?

@evilrob: An MP5SD3 has an integrated suppressor. This is drastically different from a regular suppressor. The MP5SD3's suppressor is finely tuned and situated. And, unless you use subsonic ammunition (which, obviously, has much lower muzzle velocity and a far reduced range), even the MP5SD3 is pretty loud.

@Metkis: He's saying that nothing makes a firearm completely 'silent.' Therefore it isn't silencing the shot — it's suppressing it's report.

@WookieLifeDay: That's what bothers you about that scene? I mean, there's a psychic, a telekinetic, a instant-healing man with metal bones, another man whose eyes constantly spew raw energy, and a man who can control metal with his hands.

@jinchoung: They are loud. Subsonic ammunition just cuts out the bullet's sound, but plenty of gas still escapes. SWAT teams use suppressors, but only so they don't deafen each other while indoors.

@Grive: You can't silence a shotgun that isn't using slugs. That's just silly in movies and games. The gas just escapes through the shot.

@SkipErnst: Just a large projectile breaking the speed of sound about three times over.

@dnadeau13: Oh. Well that's what I said before.

Hasn't he caught like a hundred legendary Pokemon by now? Who can still compete with Ash?

It would be cool if there was a like a 5 on 5 sports-type game where there was like a ball that was passed around. So you tried to score by getting somewhere with it in a big arena, but there are tons of portals being used.

@Plowking: K. You do something better.

@Mad-Hobo: That's Jesus with a weapon. Or are his hands certified as deadly weapons?