Darth Vader

@RockyRan: Well, the second trigger compliments the first — the aim function compliments the fire button.

@Cotes: It really is more intuitive; think about the mouse setup. Primary fire? The main button. Secondary fire? The main button's complimentary button.

@ObviousFanboyShill: Wait, what? Those guys get cut in half. All four of them are sliced off at the waist.

Thoroughly un-British!

I'm probably getting Crysis 2. Crysis one was just a venture in technology; the gameplay was poor. This time around, they're still pushing the tech limits, but they're concentrating on the game experience.

@RockyRan: He's saying the game would be better with the more intuitive control scheme. FPS's generally use the LT-aim configuration because it's better and more accessible.

@Cotes: He's not saying he can't figure it out — it's just that most games use the LT-aim configuration because it is superior. It's more intuitive. He's just saying that the same control scheme would make this game better.

They cleaned up that other Messi pretty well.

@Hellaphunt: See, the word for that, in my opinion, should be 'meaningful.' The word 'art' should refer to the creation of meaning and its products.

@ThaMofo: Ah, I see what you were saying before. I thought you meant that the Earth really is expanding.

@ThaMofo: That Wikipedia article says that the scientific community now rejects the hypothesis that the Earth is expanding.

We should also ban any war movie that depicts the death of our soldiers. Or any news coverage of our soldiers' deaths.

@Hellaphunt: What I'm saying is that the idea that anything can be art is too abstract. Art is supposed to have a message, or some kind of inner/metaphorical meaning. These don't; or at least they have no purposeful meaning. Perhaps you could draw some meaning from them, but, as far as I can tell, the creator of these

@Hellaphunt: Wait, what? That's your argument? That we aren't supposed to care about it? Alright, then, shit. Then his stuff shouldn't be posted on Gizmodo. We can just leave art to rot.

@DicksonPoon: ...you just took my joke and moved the words around.

@Firesphere: He was suggesting rechargeable batteries. So you'd use about 4 batteries total.

It looks like...

The Nissan Cashcow?

@data_enabler: I was referring in general to the strangeness, which I thought you were also referencing.

Let's forget about the picture, and examine it's contents.