I share the love by subscribing to distributive computing like SETI-Home, Human-genome, etc..
I share the love by subscribing to distributive computing like SETI-Home, Human-genome, etc..
@Buster Friendly: hmmm...
@joelena: Actually - in a majority of cases, debit is much cheaper than credit. Issuers impose a lower interchange cost for either a PIN-based txn (online debit) or a check card (essentially offline debit). The risk is lower because the $$ comes out of your checking account upon the initial authorization.
@faust: The $25 limit on the Paypass (RFID) a enabled card is a Card Association qualification criteria for non-sig. Other merchants can leverage as well, depending on the industry type - conv stores, movie theaters, parking lots, fast food, etc... BUT, the merchant pays a much higher interchange fee for the ability…
@sandeepdeepak: Of course, the merchant can choose to complete a sale or not; however, if they accept cards as a form of payment, they are required to accept them for ALL transaction amounts - hence the regulation against imposing a minimum or tacking on a surcharge. The merchant would be in violation of their sales…
@Mykie Gunderson: While it is strictly against Card Association Operating Rules to impose a surcharge for acceptance of a credit card, merchants get around the rule by offering a 'discount for cash' - the gas stations are doing this again - it was widespread a few years ago, but most gas retailers phased it out (same…
Anyone besides me conjure up Enemy of the State?
@davere: coffee fund ran low
When is our wonderful overseer, I mean, Fed Gov going to wake up and take a play out of the Israeli handbook? You profile - period. And before I get flamed - it's not all about ethnicity. When my wife travels to Israel, she absolutely triggers their profile alerts - the last time an Israeli sky marshal sat next to…