
I carry 2-sets of cards: a set for business with all the normal contact info and another set I use for social situations - with only my name. I'll add contact info as needed. Social cards make a dramatic impression - owing back to the bygone era of being a gentleman 'caller'.

@B1663R: The only thing about giving your old phones to the weeones - take the battery out. Remember, it can still call 911 and the rugrats will invariably press the right keys. Not fun - trust me - although the cops were ok about it.

@TheFu: I travel for business 2-3 wks out of each mth. The best way to keep a suit is to actually turn the suit jacket inside out, fold in half lengthwise, then fold in half top to bottom or roll (if u like). For your dress pants, lay them out as you would hang them up, fold your dress shirts like they do at the

@Rolfmaomachizlin: No... Bobdeloyd had it correct - It's Bad Design - plain and simple. No other elaboration needed.

@robot-shmobot: To all those that justify what the Gov is doing by saying "I have nothing to hide" - let me paraphrase something I believe Hoover said: "Give me the man and I will show or invent the the crime" - basically, Gov has the arrest power, Gov has the power to determine what is legal / illegal. Someone

@Drewskers: Where is the satisfaction in that?

@squishyalt: Ok... I like this better than what I did once in the past. I get the same satisfaction. My new solution. Thanks much!

@shazaam42: Someone did that to me once - don't think he/she will ever do it again... I cracked their driver's side window and left a note saying "Next time leave a fuckin can opener!"

Is it just me, or has any one else found the latest Skype version annoying as hell? How the ^%^%^ do you turn off those PITA skype credit notification balloons? And don't tell me to 'uncheck' the tips button in preferences - that does not work. Skype forum is abound with complaints about this - no answer from

@Star Vixen: For frying, always use peanut oil. It has a higher smoke point - i.e. can withstand temps +/- 390 deg for sustained periods. If the oil smokes (any oil), it will quickly turn rancid - like AB says "Not Good Eats".

@Zebatinsky: OKC's stats are a better metric. Simply put, OKC is measuring realistic non-influenced behavior patterns across millions of Users whereas most scientific studies invariably skew results just from the fact they are conducting a survey - the "does the observer influence the observed if the observed knows

@Lexen: I was Mex: Help me understand how the cargo section, which is unheated gets hot enough @ 35K ft when the outside air temp is (-) 50 degrees F?

@hostile-17: They don't have to... They're the Feds - they just think it and it becomes fact. Whatever causes panic and subsequently gives them more power - we don't need no stinkin facts..........

Tried it - Keeps crashing...

Just go to backpage.com

@zenneth: But Les doesn't go to a comfy hotel after the day is done AND he out there by himself. Bear's got all the support people to get his ass out of trouble. What's does Les have? A friggin locator beacon or a cell phone - take Les any day.