
The thing I thought was funny is that Earn already is technically homeless.

One, not really, alcohol is definitely just as dangerous, if not more so than cannabis. Your original argument was that because white people are more familiar with alcohol and it had historical societal benefits, this is why it is treated different. When cannabis was first introduced to European societies, it was

Or it could be foreshadowing that Paper Boi shooting the guy could have big repercussions for Earn. Earn was the one who woke up unawares and looking into the barrel of a gun, which is highly symbolic.

Or maybe they are Chinese ethnically but don't identify as Chinese because they were born in America. We didn't really get a good look at any of them, although the guy out back was identified as Chinese.

Since you're so good at history and studying maybe it would help if you realized that the first countries to ban cannabis (in the case of the U.S. also referring to it under the name of the then different drug marijuana, to make it sound more Hispanic and play on racial fears) tended to use racist propaganda to get it

He has a real job (one that pays incredibly badly) in a city with a rising unemployment rate. I don't know if you know this, but sometimes getting a "real" job isn't exactly easy.

Hey. Brock Sampson knows the whole serpentine thing is bullshit (it makes you slower, and humans tend to run in a predictable patter, even when they are moving in serpentine, unless they keep count of how many steps they take in each direction to change it each time). You run in straight lines and try to get any kind

Part of it is also that they don't really have any bad songs. The worst their songs get is O.K., and they have songs which most people who listen to will acknowledge are great. For a band with over 25 years of albums to go through, that is a pretty impressive accomplishment.

On the one hand, I am legitimately related to her, so I should defend her.

I'm no timeline doctor, but I'm pretty sure the MCU timeline is way different than ours, what with the super soldiers and androids and super-science stuff showing up in WWII.

The silly drawing shows are only for kids and stoners!

Native American shaman guy/medicine man. Make sure to have a red hawk scream as an auditory clue, and powwow music as a leitmotif. You're welcome.

To be fair, much of the rest of the world has their own sports problems to deal with. Europe has soccer (and the hooliganism that comes with it), India has cricket, New Zealand has rugby, and America has football, baseball and basketball. Man, that country is sloppy.

Hey! Some of us are related to her.

If there's one thing about this show that I know, is that it is realistic. Nothing surreal or fantastical about a vigilante who murders people with weather balloons, super serum powered crime sprees, or supernatural serial killers. But adding someone putting on a mask to fight crime as a vigilante is definitely a step

A jar of peanuts with DEEZ NUTZ written on it.

Venture Bros. also had a pretty great Bowie in The Sovereign.

Yes, but a guy phoning in to say there are guys in the street yelling about ISIS probably would.

Yo S.I.! Yo S.I.! Yo S.I.!

He did mention Hydra by name in his call, which is the organization the attacked the U.S. with flying attack ships. If someone called the NYPD saying someone was yelling about Al-Qaeda or ISIS. I'm sure multiple squad cars and a SWAT team would show up.