
Or run a charity educating about African warlords.

They currently don't face systemic discrimination. They can definitely experience it on a personal level. Also depends on your definition of white. Or do Caucasian Jews, Catholics, the Irish, Cajuns and Italians among other groups not count as white?

He wasn't saying it was hypocritical to criticize white people, he was saying it is hypocritical to be against racism while stereotyping and limiting a group of people based on a perceived notion of race. And by the way, the biggest block of voters Trump got was people over 40. He did poorly among young voters, but

If anywhere is for jackin' it in the streets, we all know the city is San Diego.

Before the Black Eyed Peas added Fergie and gained a bunch of popularity by making more mainstream songs, they were considered relatively cool and interesting.

Prometheus is actually usually a Justice League and/or Batman (or alternate universe versions of Batman like Midnighter) enemey, kind of like Deathstroke and Deadshot. The series kind of splits the enemies between Batman and Green Arrow since they have the biggest Rogues galleries who are mostly normal

I looked up hotdogging on urban dictionary because of the tone of this comment. It was exactly what I expected it to be. (I know what standard hotdogging is, but I wasn't sure where this quote came from, and thought that it might be found there.)

Actually, that is something Americans probably don't have to worry about. Once something is considered a right, you have to pass an amendment to change it. And if that is the first amendment to pass in 25 years and not getting money out of politics or another worthy amendment, then all of America should riot.

Yeah, but I think most of those are productions in Britain when he uses his natural accent. A decent amount of the American productions have him using an American accent.

Except his first major role (outside of Britain) was The Wire, where he definitely didn't have his native accent.

What if your dad is also your buddy?

It might be because most of the guys they run into are either from the past and have discriminatory views about her, or are living in a future dystopia and don't really have time for romance.

Except it's been established that the character on LOT were largely unaffected by Flashpoint due to them being in a time bubble while it was happening. Which is why Stein only started to get memories of his daughter, and didn't have them before.

It's worse because she could of traveled to where Laurel died to save Laurel, but instead she wanted to kill Dahrk in the past, which could have huge consequences. Like how powerful could Ra's have gotten if he wasn't fighting Dahrk and Hive for an extra 30 years?

That and Barry was essentially fixing an aberration, as we have never seen the original timeline where Thawne didn't kill his mom.

Well, Speedsters are one of the few things that could conceivably kill a Kryptonian. It doesn't matter how tough you are if someone can phase their hand through your chest and mess up your insides.

Except this Barry also has alternate reality buddy/replacement dad Jay Garrick.

He has been around Ragman all season (since he got out of jail anyways), who is all kinds of weird.

I just thought about this, but where was Ragman? I get the feeling he could have kicked some Dominator ass (and possibly even Supergirl's, as Kryptonians are known to be not so good against magic), and it would have been fun seeing everyone's reaction to him.