
There is the Dead Living Zombies DLC coming out.

My idea for that was that instead of destroying the cult leaders bunkers after defeating them, the local militias could have taken them over and let the locals shelter in them for the nuclear strikes.

Unless some extinct species somehow come back from the dead, I’m pretty sure Primal was not a sequel to 5.

Yeah, but they also could have had the option to make them realize what they were doing would ultimately harm the country, both Sabal and Amita were relatively reasonable up to that point. The ending also could have gone with something along the lines of there is tension between the two factions of the Golden Path,

That depends on your viewpoint on Nihilism. If you simply believe that things don’t have inherent value, but they do have the value people give them, nihilism can work perfectly well and even be freeing.

Like when you killed the cult leaders, you take over their bunkers instead of blowing them up, so that the people you liberated can use them to shelter from the nuclear fallout when the bombs went off. I was annoyed by how the people you just rescued started blowing up bunkers that were now free from the enemies who

Yeah, but in that ending by your inaction you are allowing Eden’s Gate to continue their kidnapping, brainwashing, and murdering. It was confirmed that they were doing those things before the events of the game started.

It’s not really “you were the real villain”, just “you are as bad as (maybe slightly better than) the villains”. All you really did in those games was cause a regime change. Although at least in 3 you freed the country from murderous pirates and privateers.

The problem is that the journey is good though. The Far Cry series is a great sandbox to play in and it gives you tons of freedom in how you do things, especially as you level up. Every play style is achievable, it can be equally difficult to go in guns blazing or by stealth.