
I’m liking this trend for liftbacks instead of trunks. Now it just needs to trickle back down to the likes of the GT86 and Mustang.

This is why I still drive a Hyundai Accent. 10/10ths all the time.

I think Sagan is way more popular than Froome on his best day. Sagan’s expulsion from this year’s tour was just insane, both from a fairness perspective and from a sport marketing perspective.

Patrick, did you actually watch this stage?

The first descents were done on slick roads - that’s what took out Majka, Gisink, and Thomas - the rest of the stage was bone dry.
Contador didn’t lose his GC status due to crash - he folded on the Mont du Chat climb because he doesn’t have the legs anymore.

In the tweet embedded in the article the Mavic rep said it was the hanger that was damaged and that the chain was placed on the 11t. Didn’t have anything to do with the chainring.

“Cannondale mechanics decided to manually move Uran’s chainring into the 11-tooth sprocket”

This report only mentions half the stuff that actually went down in this race!

Thanks for sharing this! No re-air on television, oddly. Not that I saw.

And the new nickel-finish wheels are perfect.

So many good ones.

I actually put my money where my mouth is, as I have owned a 1984 Rabbit GTI for 4 years.

Motor sport adage,

Corrado VR6 (does it count since it was based on a Golf platform?)

Not sure if 4 mpg is a “plummet.”

That’s because it isn’t. Apart from the updated engines, modern widgets and some sharper corners in the bodywork it is basically the same thing. So the converters will be quite satisfied.

Saved the best for last, Volvo 145E - sold for $2,000. Now if you don't mind I'll be over here hanging myself over this missed opportunity.

I created a hierarchy totem pole for NASCAR to call cautions based on yesterday's race: