Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

Sometimes, though a lot of white nationalists and neo-Nazis really don’t respect police authority. Aryan Brotherhood in particular is deeply anti-cop. So, there’s complexity.

It’s entitlement. They can’t shut the fuck up and keep their transphobic opinions to themselves because they believe society “rightfully” belongs to them, and are incensed not only that trans people exist, but that their disgust for trans people isn’t considered authoritative.

Yes. The way this article characterizes the ending is ridiculous.

Yeah, and honestly money is the only thing they’ll understand.

If they’re going to do some junkyard zef dirtbag take on the character, just cut out the middleman and make it about Ninja avenging the death of Yo-Landi instead of doing this to Pennywise.

Blasting NIN as a hot, androgynous goth kid in leather-and-mesh club attire rages out alone across the rooftops of a decaying cityscape is the most efficient iconography of the 90's I can think of.

Part of me was hoping she’d be super pink and pastel. Go against type, complain about her lame goth mom running around in all-black like she’s stage crew.

Right, obviously we want different things from it, which is fine. A dramatic take on this pretty high concept, about the existential toll of ghosts doomed to passively observe the world from a place of meaningless stasis, would be great; David Lowery’s A Ghost Story does essentially that.

TBH I’ve felt this way about several famous UK sitcoms. The central characters are these put-upon sad sacks who are punished for no reason, surrounded by incredibly off-putting or annoying personalities with few redeeming qualities who never change. I’ll watch an episode and find the whole experience mean-spirited or

And it’s not like a lot of people are actually returning them. Most people willing to drop $3500 on an untested toy on Day One probably have enough money to not care about that figure.

I think the show was doing something with Claire that didn’t hit for a lot of people. Because I do think she’s a slightly unreal dream girl, but only from Carmy’s perspective. Objectively, she’s a full person with an inner life, who parallels Carmy as another deeply ambitious person who way exceeded the low

For real, though, why not just have this happen in House of the Dragon? Why is this pitched as a separate show when they already have a show about the dragon incest family?

Sure, but I can understand someone underestimating what that level of scrutiny actually feels like. Especially someone like Kumail Nanjiani: a man in his 40's whose career was mostly comedy prior to this point.

I think I’m done with apocalypse narratives. We’re all living in an apocalypse narrative. I don’t need to engage with fictional ones in my spare time for fun.

Launch vehicles are technically vehicles.

Yes. Even outside the conspicuous dumbassery, the entitled sense that their expensive toy makes them deserving of attention, I’m specifically annoyed by the explosion of Vision Pro shit because VR goggles with AR passthrough aren’t actually new.

They’d never disclose the data either way, but yeah could be. It’s the same flawed assumption behind anti-piracy: people watching content this way probably weren’t going to pay for it. It’s blood from a stone.

They say this quiet part out loud, frequently. The majority of young voters don’t align with them, nonwhite voters typically don’t, women typically don’t, queer voters certainly don’t. The only blocks where they do well are with non-college-educated white men and with the elderly. And those blocks are either actively

Rightwing hatred of Taylor Swift is so unhinged. She’s incredibly inoffensive, “a Leftist” in almost no way. She is not a radical, and advocates pretty boilerplate centrist Dem positions. But the Right has become so insane that a woman they can’t bully pushing back even an inch is now the Antichrist.

It’s obvious to everyone, I think. Managers want this because it justifies their positions and makes it easier to extract unpaid labor out of a captive audience of on-site employees.