Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

Sucks. Because Echo is great. It makes me miss the Netflix Defenders shows so much.

The grandmother’s beef was primarily with the dad, but Maya’s recollection is that she was collateral damage, and her grandmother didn’t seem to make any effort to be present in her life after that. The grandmother also suggests it’s hard for her to even look at Maya, due to Maya’s resemblance to the dead mother, so

The best part of the ad is how easy it’d be to re-edit to any song you wanted.

The incest really distracts from the “finally, real coffee!said by a guy who just returned from West Africa. One of the best coffee-producing regions in the world.

Yeah, it isn’t all that complicated: this family-friendly movie derived from a children’s story, which cost half as much as The Marvels, is also leading into a weekend where that exact kind of thing tends to do well. The context and standard for what “success” looks like is very different.

I don’t understand why jettisoning the existing plot, to the extent there is one, is more exciting or preferable to just recasting the guy. Just finish what you started, right? Hastily pivoting to a totally different villain with a totally different gimmick sounds like it wouldn’t make anyone happy.

Yes, and it’s trivially easy to do so with Kang. The entire conceit is that thousands of variations of him exist under slightly different circumstance across the multiverse.

Yeah, people keep making the mistake of assuming land implies population. CA has numerous urban centers, not exclusive to LA and SF, and they are all solidly blue. 11M people voted for Biden vs. 6M for Trump, nearly twice as many, and that’s ignoring the realities of disenfranchised and nonvoting populations who tend

The choice in “Deer Lady” to render the boarding school staff’s language as guttural nonsense was brilliant. A bunch of furious nuns screaming at you in some incomprehensible language really added a lot to how alien and horrifying this must have felt.

That, too. Or, at the least, I don’t need some singular auteur to make all of it. That’s how The Hobbit films happened the way they did, and they’re a tedious chore.

Exactly, yeah. Villeneuve is only in his 50's and Timothée Chalamet is 27. It’s not like anyone is racing against time, and the story is honestly served by more of it. And not just in terms of the actors aging, but also the design sensibility of the setting evolving, the tone and themes changing.

This tracks. Musk also described the Cybertruck as “an armored personnel carrier from the future — what Bladerunner would have driven.”

The cast is the only reason I’d consider this. Otherwise, yeah, I couldn’t be bothered. Donald Glover and Maya Erskine is at least interesting if nothing else about it is.

This is good to know, because some speaker making vroom-vroom noises sounds outrageously stupid.

I’d love for things not to overstay their welcome.

The Muay Thai Teen, The Judo Juvenile, all the way back around until an elderly Rhonda Rousey teaches a Japanese kid to join the UFC in MMA-kun.

Finally, another chance to die on this deeply pedantic hill: but why the hell is the 2010 movie called The Karate Kid? It took place in China, and stars Jackie Chan. This child did not learn karate, he learned kung fu. It’s The Kung Fu Kid.

Yeah, I don’t know what kind of payday he expects out of a grieving family. Probably not a large one given how brutally unsympathetic a court would be to his case, assuming it even moves forward.

I assume there’s some alternate reality where Nintendo is making an animated Zelda with Studio Ghibli, but we live in this one.

For all these reasons, sure. But also: their relationship wasn’t just nice or cute, it was presented as a mutual remedy for their respective neuroses.