Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

Iron Fist was trash. Luke Cage was uneven, it’s true, but had some moments in both seasons. Daredevil was good-to-great all 3 of its seasons (S2 was the weakest but still had the Frank Castle arc), and Punisher itself was also very good. And Jessica Jones S1 was top tier. I’d call that a pretty high success rate.

It mostly reminds me of how goddamn good most of the Defenders shows were. Daredevil S1 vibes. This is probably the first Marvel thing I’ve been excited by for years at this point.

The Fall is basically an Avengers event film already. Otta Benga solo film when?

This headline got me excited until I realized it was unrelated to the Tarsem Singh film, The Fall.

Or, if they were really committed to this convoluted and unwanted Grindelwald plot, don’t land on this half-measure where it’s sort of related to the Beasts thing but sort of not.

Right? I refuse to be angry that Megan Fox dressed as a character from a 20-year-old Tarantino film that she has no connection to and that has no new material in the production pipeline at all.

Right, I feel similarly. I despise her opinion, but nobody deserves to have gone through that (and people angry at her opinion who DM shit like “I hope you get raped” have completely lost the plot. An inhuman thing to say to any person.)

There’s a contradiction here: if the original movies aren’t some untouchable sacred cow, why are the original characters so special? If remaking the ‘77 movie is fine to do, why be so invested in Han Solo and what-not? He’s just a gunslinger type without Harrison Ford; on the page, Obi Wan is just a stock wizard

Well, I read her essay. A significant part of it details how JKR has had terrible and traumatizing experiences at the hand of cisgendered men, and that seeing trans women in bathrooms or locker rooms would trigger those memories. She also ruminates on her childhood, where she felt that her father would’ve preferred a

Conservatives want so badly to feel oppressed. It’s wild. It’s not illegal for JKR to be a bigot, she’s just an asshole. She isn’t going to jail over it and she won’t lose her castle money, she’s just going to alienate her youth fanbase who mostly agree she’s an asshole.

Yes, you successfully picked up on the wordplay I was using there.

Well, this is quickly approaching a critique of libertarian thinking in general, but I’d guess the population in question - otherwise unhoused people who can’t get a typical apartment - are more vulnerable than average to exploitation.

Vehicles of unknown reliability or habitability, rented at unknown rates under unknown terms, with no specific protections or recourse for the renter if something happens to the vehicle or if the situation otherwise changes, is something I’d 100% call a grift.

Hell yeah, it was propulsive and understood it had to earn the viewer’s investment. Any original show has to make a case for itself. But shows based on IP you already know can get so lazy...I think a lot of Disney+ series are like this.

Yeah, I’m not sure who the consumer is for an $80 stylus vs. the $130 one that functions better. $80 is still a lot, and anyone who’d use a pen for something more substantial is willing to spend more anyway.

It was hubris. I’ve noticed a lot of shows like this are written assuming they’ll get 3+ seasons, so the first is absurdly glacial and inert. They’re stretching out mediocre material, assuming brand recognition = loyalty, and refusing to get to the damn fireworks factory.

Yes. I have never purchased a new car, and I don’t know that I ever will because every dealership experience I’ve had has felt like this: a bunch of liars who put way more energy into obscuring details than in adding any value to my experience whatsoever. I got close to buying a new Mazda, and not only did the dealer

I agree, collectors need to start buying multi-reel 35mm prints for the home.

Yes, I can only think of those edits of old sitcoms with the laugh track edited out, and aside from the meter of the performance being insane, the jokes are so goddamn painful. It’s nothing without the framing of an audience who’s been heavily primed to have a good time.

Sadly, I expect it is logarithmic. People who fuck around a little get slapped down, hard. But a lot of people fuck around to an extreme degree, and the amount of finding out they face never feels like enough for how much fucking around they truly did.