Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

Sure, probably quite divergent, but somehow I doubt this girl would be able to tell. Likewise, a Hasidic Jewish person speaking Yiddish might sound kinda German to her. Which is an even more possible interaction on NYC-area metro transit.

I’d bet this is exactly what happened. She heard spoken German and lost her shit because she’s an insane xenophobe. Alcohol lubed the slide but the words were always there.

For real. If our shitty, profiteering healthcare industry is going to place profits front and center, and our government is going to dismantle civil liberties because they want to live in the Handmaid’s Tale, the only recourse is to sue doctors like this into oblivion and make their employers hurt.

Makes sense, like “Hansel & Gretel: Witchhunters.” I can already see the horny, kind of exploitive key art of a mostly bare leg covered in leather straps peeking out from under a red Assassin’s Creed-looking hood/cape thing.

“The spirit of the offer.” Lady Gaga’s dogs were stolen and her friend nearly murdered. Honest offers went completely out the window when a group of sociopaths made this series of choices.

Infinity Pool is amazing. I wouldn’t call it a horror film, but it’s definitely upsetting and has a lot to say.

Yeah, I have a first-gen Quest and...basically the same.

Not to pick on you in particular, but people always say “Game of Thrones budget,” while GOT spent between $6M and $15M per episode. The last season was the most expensive, which was apparently just under $100M in total.

This season of Sex Education suffers from the exact same problem as later Big Mouth: both shows started as frank and somewhat unpolished explorations of pubescent confusion and shame surrounding sex. But whatever point either wanted to make about self-love or empathy or acceptance has already been made.

The best point I’ve heard someone make about Pierce Hawthorne is this: Pierce is a wealthy, racist, sexist, out-of-touch Boomer portrayed by Chevy Chase. Chase doesn’t get what’s funny about Pierce because he is Pierce. He doesn’t get what’s funny or absurd about Pierce because he doesn’t get what’s funny or absurd

It’s Tupac Shakur and John Lennon.

Yeah, I’m confused about the logistics of the scam. I usually prepay inside because I had my credit card skimmed a few years ago, but even at the pump...if you stop pumping for more than a minute or so, wouldn’t the transaction end? Does the cashier really not have information about active transactions, like not notici

Respecting Howard Stern’s opinion is somehow the most surprising development of recent months.

Correct. The belief that the emergence of Homo sapiens was some cataclysmic night-and-day shift in hominid intelligence is probably just humanity’s egotism. Other older evolutionary cousins had tool industries; for Neanderthals, it was of surprising complexity. I’m not scandalized that some other loose contemporary in

In Rudy’s defense, he was drunk with confidence, believing that the government was about to be overthrown and he was to become consiglieri to a fascist dictator, thus unaccountably powerful enough to grope whoever he wanted.

I also feel this way. This guy was insufferable and his understanding of politics and the legal system and basic civics was absolute trash. But the fact he’s a shitty dude with stupid beliefs doesn’t override relevant questions about the use of deadly force by police; Philando Castile also had a gun and I don’t feel

Her future is the same as any other somehow-not-70 far-right conservative white woman: punditry on some propaganda network.

List is trash because I don’t see “Closer” by Nine Inch Nails.

I’m glad you’re making this point. I think about that a lot, about anyone but especially men who commit acts of sexual violence: sex it’s so veiled and compartmentalized.

You’ve more or less just described a central aspect of You.