Leoz Maxwell Jilliumz

They weren’t. It’s supposed to be about self-reliance. Bring what you need, understand the risks and constraints. Burners who do it for those reasons were hopefully prepared.

He isn’t, unfortunately. Twitter cost him $44B, but he’s still worth over $200B. Even if Twitter was a total loss for him, he’d never miss that money and recoup its loss within a few years from other avenues.

It’s all kinda right there, in Star Wars. There’s so much reference across all SW canon to the immense and unresolved class inequality during every time period, from Anakin’s enslavement on Tatooine to Han’s extreme poverty on Corellia to Rey’s subsistence lifestyle on Jakku or the exploitation on Canto Bight.

Yes, a man who is explicitly the Chancellor, who instigates a fascist military coup to disband the Democratic government, directs explicit acts of genocide, and forms an Empire whose aesthetic is explicitly modeled after the Nazis, isn’t a reference to Hitler. It’s Nixon.

Credit to Lucas, as inelegant and terrible as the prequels are in execution, but that’s at least a feature and not a bug. The Old Republic being ineffectual and naive about rising fascism is the point; Palpatine is Hitler and everyone else is Neville Chamberlain. But in the post-ROTJ stories, I don’t know that this is

I feel like it’s more “ sudo mkfs -t mcu /dev/spiderman ” but yeah, basically.

It’s probably Dune Messiah where this point would land. Villenueve’s Dune Part Two is just the second half of the first book, so it ends with Paul’s ascendency, before the galactic jihad stuff goes down in earnest.

Of course a bunch of low-T sheep would judge Elon for hoarding his urine in a hermetically sealed Howard Hughes bunker, but here are facts: fresh water doesn’t hydrate you, only minerals and electrolytes do that, and no not like Gatorade or whatever, REAL hydration comes through efficiency. Your body’s a machine, and y

Yeah, Musk said it because it’s a shocking way to insult someone. Now, it’s a “plausible” accusation to throw at anybody queer or even pro-queer by rightwing extremists.

Still truly outrageous to me that the guy he said that to wasn’t able to successfully sue Musk for defamation. It was overtly, obviously defamation. Musk called a guy a pedophile as a complete non-sequitur insult for disagreeing with him about a submarine, then when the guy tried to let it slide as juvenile bullshit,

Sorry, no. Throw this “who me?” bullshit in the trash.

Hey, now, they feared for their lives!

Seriously. It’s like a boring version of some genre franchise where the villain from the first one comes back in the third, but he’s an antihero now because the new villain has power-creeped into something worse.

The Blue Beetle lore for Jaime seems...very similar to the lore surrounding the manga / anime character Bio-Booster Armor: Guyver. Does anyone know if that’s more than coincidence?

So, respectfully, as a non-American you’re missing a ton of political context to this song and its lyrics. The sense that an increasingly stratified wealthy class is throwing the majority into poverty is not specifically partisan. But there are many tells that give away this performer’s leanings.

I understood this to be super common in the folk / country world several decades ago. All the old pro-union songs were American folk music. Then...something happened, so now all we get are “star-gazin’ in my Ford truck, stringin’ up some city cuck, wait this salsa’s made in New York City?!? No, sir, none for me!

“Oh, no, no! I misunderstood the question! I actually meant to equivocate way more than I did, so my actual meaning got lost in rhetoric, and people continued believing I’m a moderate.

It’s those Northern elites. They’re the reason life is so hard for blue collar working class Southerners. Not Republicans in red states who gut assistance programs and vote down infrastructure bills, or turn a blind eye to megacorps who silence labor movements or offshore jobs abroad and incorporate out of the Cayman

Yes, it’s insane that Aunt May is so commonly portrayed as very elderly. It’s easy to forget with Rosemary Harris because Tobey reads as a 30-year-old high schooler to begin with, but even 60-something Sally Field made no sense.

Which would also have been trivial to retcon: even if Rachel was told she was born via surrogate, the reality she was adopted is something a parent might lie about, so they could change it around any time.