
Wow awesome! :D

Yeah and let’s delete all the other “no skill” heroes we all love to label why don’t we, Torb and Sym come to mind! Lol. This game is designed to try and make old farts like me feel like they can be helpful to the team without twitch 100% headshot accuracy all the time. I’m glad you have an opinion and I’m sorry Bliz

Whoa a list I 100% agree with :O

For those on the fence, PSVR was the best purchase decision I’ve done in my whole life! There is so much new here compared to flat gaming which felt so stale to me before. If you really don’t believe me try to hunt down a demo unit somewhere, it’s probably not what you expect! Don’t even play flat games that much

For those on the fence, PSVR was the best purchase decision I’ve done in my whole life! There is so much new here

One unique point I did notice is that it’s a Widowmaker’s paradise! So many long sight lines, even ones from the dock all the way to the frontlines, as a healer it was a nightmare avoiding her! :O

So cool, thanks!


Keep being awesome! <3

Tell me about it! Thankfully I’m secure in my personality and all my buds have had a right good laugh about you, thanks man it was fun! :D

Thanks man! I will turn into an old codger soon (35yo btw)

Haha good troll man! Saying someone should change and not providing a means for them to easily do so is so mature. I asked another group of my peers what they called it and the answer was still ‘base rape’/’spawn rape’, please let me know what term you and your enlightened friends use so I can correct my oh so

Don’t worry there was no discrimination, I murdered the male characters just as much as the female. ;) Also base rape is a term all of us have used to describe this since I was a kid.

My word I think we have such different opinions here that we most certainly must be different people! ;) Interviews with Monster Girls and Urara Meirochou are amazingly funny for me, the perfect dose of comedy and mindless fun after a long day. Little Witch seems to be emotionless for me so far but I haven’t been

Not really my experience of it, more like raping everyone with symetra turret tele near their spawn! ;) While the pacing certainly does feel “slower” and more methodical, I kinda like it.

You have no control over the narrative and there is no ARG like Oxenfree. What there is here though is a great but short puzzle platformer with an incredibly unique story that you have to piece together yourself. First half is pretty standard fare but oozes atmosphere and really surprised by the end.

disagree with you too, really don’t enjoy bethesda games and I love pushing my level to the max when Im doing side quests. What I would love though is being able to level myself down at any point (i.e. story missions) so I have complete control of my level of enjoyment. Letting the game decide that is a problem,

I’m with you man, for me colourful worlds and a story of love trump a realistic looking world with a story of politics any day!

Been showing my family a lot of stuff lately and there are some really good shows out there if you look hard enough. A few winners with them have been (I’ll try to list them new to older):

If we thought about every single person’s feelings on the planet, nothing would exist >.<

Stardew Valley... whoops looks like a week went by >.>