
Hmm is there something wrong with me? I don't leave home for weeks at a time, why is it so bad? I also really don't seem to be affected by "cabin fever" that most talk about, I vary up my hobbies around the home to get a change of pace but I do enjoy getting out now and then to see what's new... but in my small town

It's quite a relief to me that so many people still have the same definition as I do of what a JRPG is, there are a large group of gamers that think differently though.

You do know he was trying to narrate something like in Bastion right?

Got all the DLC on release day so yay for waiting for reviews and still getting stuff, like the old days really!

The last person in MGS 3.

Here's a tip, go play a racing or fighting game at 24fps and (after you die horribly from input delay) come back here and feel enlightened. There's a reason why Starcraft/FPS pros play on 120Hz+ monitors where possible.

Yay for Leo! :D

Doubt it's doing well here in South Africa either, hardly heard a beep on the radar.

Really looks like this game is aimed at a female audience, which I guess is good since they need their own games too.

I've always wondered if there was some sort of pattern to what FF games people like. For instance my favs are VI, X, VIII, X and XIII. Really couldn't get into the others as much as these but I often meet people who love the polar opposite. Does it have something to do with different directors or teams or is it

So FFXV is a teenage roadtrip where they stop to slaughter whatever animals they deem worthy and carry on down the road towards a "girlfriend" of sorts? Boy I hope I'm wrong.

Switching regions on the vita is such a pain though :/ Maybe I should consider moving it permanently over to a USA account....

Soooo cookie cutter....

Interesting, looks like a very cute version of the Catherine block game, no sure is the rules get as complex though but interesting nonetheless.

Speak of the devil, it's on a flash sale right now! $4.07

Mike, you should also advise people to wait for the last day of the sale since the game may go cheaper, else you might have some very upset bunnies. Unless of course you have information that it won't?

Now playing

And then it somehow later went to ... this:

Probably in the minority here but for me to buy a Wii U it needs to show me more mature titles on the system, Bayonetta is close but I would prefer horror or something dark and broody. Stuff like Catherine, Persona, Metal Gear Solid, Batman etc.

Please, someone cut out all the talking and make a concise gameplay vid after it's done.