
Yeah I also didn't mind it, until the AC4 "cloud save" feature lost my save game on two occasions.... So many hours lost!

Was really hoping that this would be a more serious list, music is good (in my mind it's only 1 reason, not 4) but this is doing nothing to convince me after playing the demo.

Tomato is a fruit....

Reminds me a lot of Perturbator's works

I must be INCREDIBLY lucky then, all my HDDs I have ever bought are Seagate and none ever died.... Some have been used decades now >.<

Hehehehehe >.< You're funny, thanks man hope you have awesome holidays! :D

Aah thanks man, really appreciate the help! :D

Jeez, I come here to try and find if I missed anything in terms of Japanese game progression and all I get is flak, welcome to the internet and thank you for your helpful post suggesting so many games that I can try out -.-'

Aah yeah, Wonderful 101 is probably the most innovative there right? Most Nintendo games are not my cup of tea though, but they are very cute :)

Aah I see, a troll I did feed >.<

Please let me know of games that innovate genres then please, all that I have played feel like old games with a new splash of paint. :)

Pity that Japanese games seem to be sexualised so much these days, damn I wish they would whip out something innovative , excuse the pun.... They've invented so much but these days they just seem to iterate or go full ecchi, am I wrong?

Damn, I'm sure sitting on Lego must be painful! :O

Now if it had no combat whatsoever I MIGHT be more interested!

I really don't know if it's just because it's early but the art style really doesn't do it for me.... It's taken me a really long time to figure out why, I think it's because the blocks/characters have no shading to them, they are all flat colours? Or maybe because the palette for planets is not as vibrant as

MGS 3, Walking Dead, Valkyria Chronicles, Heavy Rain, Silent Hill 2, FFVI... Need I go on?

Also +1 for VC, one of my fav games of PS3 ever, probably on my top list of games of all time too! Interesting mixture of RPG, turn based strategy, realtime strategy and 3rd person shooting. Yup it's quite a unique meld! Ni No Kuni is great but I lost interest after about 30hrs because it was STILL holding my hand,

Sound never works for me on these Kotaku vids, for some reason it always defaults to my second soundcard...

Never used this feature once, my space was solely used for game installs and online purchases, have a really cheap media server PC setup to handle that stuff anyways so I'm not phased. I am amazed however at how many people actually used this, interesting.

Indeed, I agree with Jason and you, I want Pokemon to be something it isn't really and I'm so scared to talk to anyone in the game to find these great NPCs you speak of as they might subject me to yet ANOTHER battle of tick tack toe! >.<