Darren Boudreau

POI and Fringe are children of The X-Files.

That I think was a scene that ‘was’ meant for the original Blade Runner from one of the original screen writer’s Fancher or Peebles to introduce the Deckard character if I’m not mistaken. I think it’s mentioned in one of the interviews included in the BR collector’s edition.

Really glad both of these two are on TV, thank goodness they are for better or worse. With Falling Skies now having run it’s course and Continuum in it’s final season. Some died too early before they had a chance. That these have lasted thus far is a good thing.

Oh they definitely had to have gotten the idea from that BSG ad. I thought the same exact thing myself.

It’s interesting that the letters that are shown as “R’s” as you have then typed out are both not the same looking at all. The other letters that are doubled you can see that they are nearly identical in form however the two R’s are not.

What you mean they didn’t live happily ever after ? I think I’ll just be happy to see them again for at least one last time. I sort of just got started watching it all over again mixed with watchin DS9

Gah! Making me wait soooo long. Stop teasing me already....haha. Grrr.

“Speaking of Six, what about the instincts they have that aren’t memories? Even without the memories, people’s personalities are strong.”

It’s always good to have a back up plan... Earth 2.

Damn I was looking at those HUD panels in the cockpit thinking....smexy.

Damn I almost forgot... The Matrix is predominantly a Cyberpunk film. And with Cyberpunk comes Action, Adventure, aaaannndddnd.... sci fi.

How do figure the modern BSG into the mix? An anomoly? Although it did have something to go on, nostalgia.

You’re forgiven. I didn’t read it until probably late 90’2 or early 2000’s.

When you remove the religious connection to a historical site, you can definitely appreciate that human beings made this by their own hands and maybe even more so. That should trump religious context. But it adds a certain depth or value to a place if they built it out of love or devotion to something where they

But... it can also be - “a large receptacle or storage chamber, especially for liquid or gas.”

I'm still waiting for TWD in... a winter setting.

As a proud owner of the BR Anniversary 5-disc Briefcase I can safely say that I welcome what new story can be told in the 'BR Universe'. Because.

While I don't really care much about the whole troll thing... choosing an operating system based solely on the idea that it is less likely to contract a virus is just like being lazy. Or choosing to buy a Mac on the same principle.

That's beautiful. Can I borrow that? No seriously...

I think the chances of this planet being detected by another civilization is just about the same as saying here we are come get us. If for instance another civilization is looking for those niche planets that contain water (holy crap we're trying to do the same thing with our own limited capabilities) they're either