Darren Boudreau

This is what I said people would be able to do with their phones a few years back and I'm still confident that that is actually possible but unlikely that people actually use their smart phone just like this.

Well said and I commend you for doing so.

I think the new X-Files was called... Fringe. ;o)

I don't think that's necessarily true because instead of it being from perhaps 1 or 2 people on tv, newspaper or what have you you have 'everyone'. Nothing wrong with that. It's up to individual people to sort it out. Read through how ever many comments you want to read through to make a decision. Same person listens

Braveheart came around just about the right time for some of the Celtic revival that was happening in those days. And that was the year of Windows 95 and the internet started springing more to life.

Except (in light of Bale's quote) what was one of the main themes 'about' Nolan's Batman (or at least it certainly was in the TDKR)... he could be anyone. Take that to heart Mr. Bale. ;o)

Undoubtedly one of the most unforgettable and coolest things they ever did on this show.

From the appearance of the immediate surface surrounding the rover in that photo it almost seems as though there was water there once looking at dirt amongst the rocks.

Yup. Definitely the Bourne film(s). Bourne was like Batman Begins to comic book movies.

Well. Now I want to watch Sliders all over again from the start. I think there's all the proof I need. If the thought is there then there's a possibility, no different than the endless possibilities that can equally inhabit ones mind. In reality is the formulation of thoughts new thoughts or combining what was already

Now playing

I can't tell if anyone used this one yet but Mel Gibson as William Wallace in Braveheart. THE speech of inspiration. This (influential) scene alone could easily be attributed to some or many that came after it. ie. in LOTR Return of the King.

Definitely agree on that. And probably better off using those tools from a company who's very existence is devoted to VMs.

Damn. I think you're right. Well you must be right because it makes perfect sense and I probably needed my memory smacked a little. Except that GITS is a slightly more serious form of anime than most of the others. And the only reason I might question applying that to GITS is the character they chased down the alley

I don't understand why people think they're all Japanese anyway. Most of them are drawn Caucasian to begin with. Finally someone making sense. Thank you. Ghost in the Shell is a hard sell to main stream to begin with. Charlize Theron would be my choice because of her role in Aeon Flux but that's just me. She has the

It's interesting that you should say that because they sort of presented that in Wing Commander (the movie).

"I came here to chew bubblegum..."

Ya know it might be a great idea if someone just built a godamn pyramid using whatever method they believe the ancient people might have used and see what happens in the process because I'll bet you the first time they constructed one probably wasn't the same as the next one or the next. The one thing you understand

B5 was 'lucky' to have been created in an era when I think that could actually be done, alongside Trek.

Eh. I was bored before the first minute, it goes on too long like the Agent Smith fight scene in Reloaded.

No. You're not. Although I have to say that the Matrix was a great movie on it's own that if they had never made the other two my imagination could have been left open to things like what did Zion really look like, the people living there, etc. In some ways Reloaded/Revolution were slightly watered down extensions of