
And get her to rise above the vitriol she will undoubtedly meet when she promotes a positive message. Thank you Shitavious.

I miss you all so much. I will never forget Gawker or Splinter and swear to fucking god, one day, I will teach my 2 year old daughter about you. I will tell her “Girl, this is how you look at the world. This is how you write about it. If you see bullshit - Call. It. Out.” Your influence and inspiration does not end

You should definitely get into the game! I can’t see any downside to it.

“I mean, can you imagine how terrible a person you have to be to want the whole Earth to do well? Some very bad people on that side, very bad. And not very Christian of them, either. You know, people are saying that Jesus was the first person to support my campaign by wearing a MAGA hat. And that he wore it

So what the fuck is the individual citizen to do? I’ve lived beneath the poverty line most of my goddamn life and I’ve barely enough resources to support my family. I live in AK (a Red state) so I know that my phone call to Murkowski was just a waste and the only thing I’m doing when I argue with my Red neighbors is

Ironic considering the cars end up doing left turns.

Release more malware to fight the existing malware!

Handy reminder that having a British accent doesn’t mean you’re smart.

For any of these proposals to gain any traction whatsoever in public discourse, you’re at least gonna need to step up your semantics/public relations game:

He’s gonna be the target of a small scale attack from al Qancer.

He will be so thrilled that someone from London is thinking about him. Thank you!


Somewhere, someone is reading this and wondering “this is the liberal media making fake news over nothing”

This legislator simply can’t handle the fact that this kid is her intellectual superior.

I really, really hope Trump responds. Or dies. Whatever.

Yeah, everyone who bought a gun would pull out their gun and start shooting at each other, because they’d assume that anyone waving a gun around was the shooter.

Americans are infatuated with violence. Look at our movies, listen to our music. Our own president just said our most violent sport isn’t violent enough.