Darraign the Sane

I bet that more people pay attention to the Google image than you think. I'd have to say that Google's image probably will raise more awareness about the issue than every other blacked-out website combined, including Wikipedia.

Yes... but if SOPA and/or PIPA are enacted, the sites that are blacked out would be affected for everyone, not just people in the U.S. It's supposed to be giving everyone a taste of what's to come if congress passes SOPA/PIPA (or if ACTA passes in Europe).

SOPA and PIPA would affect the sites that are blacked out for international viewers as well; so yes.

So that old people that still don't have internet can get the full experience.

"The thing is if you put it into the game, people will try it. And let's face it. People. Are. Stupid.

Indeed. Many games have come across this exact same non-issue over the years, and the "solution" was to simply warn a user that if they attempt to use maximum graphics, they may encounter issues. Done.

I suppose you're all for the "No Child Left Behind Act" in public schools too, huh?

But you're talking about two different games - one with old-school graphics and and a fantastic story, and another with fantastic graphics and a "meh" story.

Yeah, but they marketed it and sold preorders for it with the high resolution graphics, then removed them at launch. #devilsadvocate

Those same people could have played on medium to low settings and still had the exact same graphics that are now the maximum settings. Your argument is complete nonsense.

Other people have said it below, but...

I'm pretty sure that LotRO had a setting that would adjust the rendering quality of other player characters based on "crowd density" (or at least it claimed to). Not sure why they couldn't have anticipated this here.

No really, there is something wrong on your end, despite what Thorn14 and TheForgetfulBrain would like to talk shit about. During beta this game ran fine for me with the settings at max on my AMD Athlon X2 5000 3.2 GHz (overclocked) and my single GTX 460.

I remember reading somewhere that this particular group of workers worked on xbox parts. But yeah, there's really no reason to associate them with either Microsoft or Apple. Foxconn makes plenty of regular PC motherboards as well (or at least did for a number of years). The reports might as well read "PC Factory

I was into Lego games before they were digital.

So is it just an ebay thing then? Can't say as I've bought anything from there for years now. Couldn't someone just become an Amazon seller and sell the same stuff? Is it just that people are really still that attached to ebay?


Just curious, any reason why people can't use Google Checkout or Amazon Payments instead of PayPal? I've never had any problems paying by using either of those, just wondering if there's some further hassle involved with using them to take payments, or if it's even the same thing as PayPal.

LOL. <- I don't use this often.

You should make an expansion pack that includes West Alton and Portage. Should be easy, it would be nothing but a bunch of flat area with a couple of burned out houses, and it would probably be flooded.