Darraign the Sane

I think he said the website design and hosting cost him somewhere around $30,000.

They don't have their own network, the 3G cellular is on Sprint's network. Whatever kind of service you had with Sprint is what you'll get with Republic. Still a good price for unlimited though.

Does he transform into the 60's Batmobile?

Odin, congrats on the article bump from our conversation (I assume you were probably also having the same conversation with others).

I'm pretty sure that almost everything you've said goes along the lines of: [fact, or fact-based numbers according to what I've said] ... therefore the opposite of what I've said must be true. I think we're looking at the same thing and coming up with different conclusions. I guess time will tell.

The problem with your notion, which is what proponents of strictly subscription based games would like to tout, is that no game will ever match WoW's success. Not ever again. I can feel fairly safe saying that. When WoW came around and massed it's player base, it was the MMO of it's time. These days, there are too

They can keep beating this "TOR is a premium experience" drum all they like. They're eventually going to realize that more money can be made from a F2P setup and they will switch it. It may take years, but it will happen. Companies are realizing that they are much better off to grab *a little* money from as many

Maybe I'm just not thinking straight here, but the statistics mentioned (52% of all computers vs. 33% of Windows computers) don't seem to correlate.

Well, they made a fix for that - it's called Windows 7.

That's why you shouldn't bother with ABP on Chrome, use AdBlock instead. It works much better than ABP on Chrome.

I like Chrome. In fact it's my browser of choice. I like it so much I wish there was an Android version.

Yeah, I have to assume this article is talking about upgrading, because installing Windows 7 from scratch takes about 4 clicks and 10 seconds at best.

Yeah... okay... I agree gateway security is the way to go in a network environment; but the common folk don't have a gateway server to run antivirus on, so they still need client-side AV. No, we don't have problems at work because we do have a gateway AV, but I can't tell you how many times my extended family's

Nope, not being nitpicky, there's quite a bit of difference between upgrading and installing. Try it sometime. Windows 7 installs in no time flat.

"The Next Windows Won’t Be a Nightmare to Updgrade to"

Anyone still using XP should definitely do this. Don't get me started about the conficker virus variant that I had to deal with last year because employees would not stop plugging USB drives into machines that were infected. Windows 7 is not quite as vulnerable since it does not usually autorun anything without

Meh, the Copper Sword is the second weapon in the game after the Wood Club. It's not very good, only like +3 damage.


"...it's got an original story written under the supervision of author George. R.R. Martin, featuring a pair of original characters..."