
There's always YouTube… shh.

This has been, "East of France We Call 'Em Barbarians." And now back to our Night Vale news desk.

There's a tailor and mechanic who builds all the gadgets and costumes; he is the one person immune from both justice and crime, because he keeps every secret identity a secret and supplies heroes and villains alike.

Every comic fan should grow up with a copy of "The Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told." All the weird silver and Bronze Age highlights like that.

I think cutting it emphasized the then-current interpretation of Scarface as one of the quasi-paranormal if not specially magical rogues, not a purely insane one. The line between the Ventriloquist being crazy and being possessed was tread closer in that interpretation than in many of the character's print appearances.

How did that story wind up in the iconic "Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told" TPB?

Oh please. Everybody knows Ghost Writer is H****y F*******n.

She killed and ate her own family!

Cat People (in the Moroder arrangement) always struck me as an aborted Bond theme refitted as a horror theme.

I feel like Lynch is a proponent of what Stephen King has described as Post-Protestant deism: there is a god, it might even be Mr. Conventional Abrahamic God. He's not around much, but he pops up sometimes as a deus ex machina. But though goodness comes from outside, evil comes from inside. Goodness is the rescuing

From drinking so much orange juice, obviously.

You see a predatory impulse in Mark, whereas I see a "one last ride" for father and son on the iconic project they shared.

An American playing an American who fakes a British accent to play a faux Brit who dresses as an exotic Indian character is…. something, anyway. Not sure what.

He's exhibiting aphasia, echolalia with scripting, sudden obsessive fixations, drastic personality changes, ritualistic behavior and apparent fugue states. Either it's the aftermath of a traumatic brain injury or an unprecedented case of EXTREME late-onset low-functioning autism. At any rate, I hope he's getting his

Even the pill sounds like godless Jew science. American self sufficiency! Rip out your throat with your fingernails like George Washington intended!

One of my favorite untrue urban legends is that the ball on top of a flagpole contains gasoline, matches and a poison pill: if the area is captured, a citizen is supposed to climb the flagpole, use the flammables to burn the flag and prevent its capture, and then execute themselves for desecration of the flag.

…wash over you…

I only know one Maná song, "Pobre Juan." Is that one of the best or one of the worst?

If you said "I'm the Shaggs," people might actually buy into the bit. That's the kind of joke that only works in a music emporium.

Are you calling Heterosexual Jughead Jones a douchebag?