
Well, Patton Oswalt is Ricky Coogin, and I've always suspected Dikachu was Alan Cumming.

It's also great for meandering vaporwave mix tapes and improv-heavy musicals by Starkid that could stand to be two hours shorter.

The app is fairly useful if you're actually going to watch some things live- I suspect the people who buy the magazine are people without smartphones.

I don't know- I think there's a gulf between "I don't give a shit about you" and "I want you to hurt." (The gulf between libertarianism and right wing conservatism?)

He was a joke early enough that a kid version of him, Montana Max, was a recurring character on "Tiny Toons."

Lili Reinhart.

Mr. Garrison has been through multiple sex changes, sexual identities and full on alter egos, but has essentially settled into being polymorphously perverse, to quote Freud- his relationship with gender and sexuality is a fluid one, and he's known to be somewhat pansexual at this point.

South Park had, for the longest time, a political view leaning more towards nihilism or even anti-morality than towards libertarianism.

"Midnight Radio" plays on the soundtrack. Nothing is resolved.

Complete with modern, vaguely Trumpian haircut.

Grey worm has "a one-Inch lump of flesh where his penis used to be/where his vagina never was."

At least Cumming is one of the only major and practicing bisexuals or pansexuals in the industry, so that's one thing for diversity. Especially when Ryan Murphy, who (much to my bi college suitemate's displeasure) actively weaves biphobia and bi erasure into his plots constantly.

I wish he had made a film or "live on stage" telecast of his one man horror themed Macbeth.

Awe requires both a small ego and a sense of gratitude to God or nature or the universe or SOMETHING. Humility and gratitude aren't really "on brand" in 2017.

Has anyone done "what if the native Americans successfully repelled Columbus's attempt to colonize the continent as successfully as they had stopped the Vikings centuries before, and the Americas develop like a gigantic version of isolationist Japan, while the rest of the world develops sans America?"

That was part of Carey's appeal to me: he always just seemed a little bit stoned, as amused by the show as the audience was. Aisha seems somehow both too removed and trying too hard to be part of it.

The song is so deceptively light and airy in the Dire Straits version- it didn't hit me hard until I heard the solo acoustic Indigo Girls version how passionately Springsteen of a ballad it is.

Good! I'll wear my favorite ramper.

Randy Newman is the master of Poe's Law- if he released this, there would be a ton of people who didn't get that it was a parody of Trump's childish brinkmanship, and would joyfully sing "my dick's bigger than your dick," totally not getting the joke.

I'm willing to give this one a little bit more leeway than others. If I recall correctly, yes it IS "champing at the bit," but there is technically no such word as "chomp" or "chomping," both being bastardizations of, and later replacements for, "champ" and "champing."