
Supposedly, Rizzo's Chicago final line wasn't "Hey Kenick- false alarm," it was "Hey Kenick- I 'borted it!"

I wish I could have seen "Grease: Chicago Edition," the restored long lost original version of the stage show from before Broadway. The whole thing was rougher, cruder and had a more directly confrontational satirical slant: the boys drop racial and sexual slurs constantly, are more overtly misogynistic and are

The Word is "cum-dumpster," but despite protestations, Frankie Valli refused to sing it.

My favorite five dollar meal is something I call Macaroni and All Men Must Die. Start with two different boxes of Kraft equivalent- I do original and Four Cheese with Shells. Cook that up mixed together. Then you add a roux or Mornay/Bechamel sauce, two sticks of butter, a cup of milk, two slices each of every cheese

They chose wisely- Lyon went on to be the only Avenue Q performer to straight up DO the Muppet voices the characters were parodying, rather than a suggestive approximation.



The original version of "Anyone Can Whistle" by Sondheim ended one of the acts with this illusion: suddenly a replica of the audience appeared onstage, watching the real audience.

Sondheim passed on the project. He decided he couldn't substantially change or improve on the film, and decided to use his ideas on a Buñuel inspired piece instead.

Fun fact: the "pirate theme" or "sailor's hornpipe" is formally called the College Hornpipe, and was designed as a musical trope to suggest higher education.

I'm looking forward to Sondheim's "Hamilton."

I think it's going to be interesting to watch for what the next Muppets or Kermit endeavor is. Will it be something that one can feel Henson/Whitmire (given how long Whitmire has been Kermit, I equate the two by now) would be on board for, or something that seems even more out of character? Something crass and harshly

I mean… Richard O'Brien is like HALF those things, can he do it?

Andy Daly and Nathan Fillion are the two things guaranteed to happen to any show if it runs long enough.

The Russian orthodox believe that he shed his body after a while in heaven and that the corpse of Christ fell to earth and left a crater.

I'm now picturing a stroked-out Lynde wandering a casino like Dougie on Twin Peaks.

He then sings some slick adult contemporary songs like "Slow Song" and "Stepping Out."

A Jackson-looking dog man singer who sings like Prince in the NPG era, voiced by a NPG alum.

Wasn't that more a Warhol riff?

In his questionable defense, is there any Townshend project that doesn't contain reference to childhood sexual abuse by an older man? It is to him what partying is to David Lee Roth's oeuvre.