
In a shocking turn of events for a Jackson project, they were RIGHT.

Am I the only one who remembers "Ghosts," the live action Michael Jackson special this appears to be based on? Jackson, in prosthetic makeup, played most of the adult characters and monsters himself.

My biggest non-Lynch association with the piece is its use as intro music in the live version of "Scenes from a Memory."

…care about her…

Pittsburgh just staged a new play adaptation of the original touring stage melodrama. In this play, a group of modern progressives watch a production of "Uncle Tom" while criticizing, heckling and debating it from their modern perspective. When Tom ascends to White Heaven at the end, the modern viewers put him on

My biggest fear is a new, randomly generated consciousness, but retaining a certain amount of memory. When you think of it, Doctor Who is a terrifying existential conundrum.

This is why in America, the analogy is often explained with Lynyrd Skynyrd as well: the replacements have been rocking way longer than the founders. So who really is Skynyrd?

It's just the Match Game, but there's no studio audience to mock relentlessly and Alec Baldwin won't come over to play it with you.

Or a super adult reboot of Adventure Time.

And his wife banged a teenager who looks like a highly sexualized block of American cheese…

"It was great when it all began, I was a regular Santa fan…"

THE Nine Inch Nails?

King Kong 2 is a movie in every country but America, which released it under a different name.

Let's see, that leaves us at King of the Hills have Eyes Without a FaceOff the Wall…

…Without a Face…

No, but that cycle went round and round a few turns before someone broke the streak by remembering "Escape from New York."

To be fair, a Republican candidate MUST run, and other than Johnson is there another "universally beloved, charismatic beacon of professionalism with strong ties to charity and public service and no scandals?"

More skeletons in his closet than a gay Dracula.

One of those truth is stranger than fiction moments: a future Apes film referencing the Harambe incident simultaneously sounds like parody and like an actual Apes franchise moment played completely straight.

"For the first half hour it's Planet of the No Apes."
-my father, rewatching his childhood favorite