
I used to play a game with friends in college- we called it Finish That Thought. You would say a title; and the last word or syllable had to be a direct segue (with zero or minimal fudging) into the next title. For instance, one streak might go "The Fantastic Four Lions King Kong 2: Fast 2 Furious."

It's true, he's the worst. Although the Commodores-style cover of "Tomorrow" by The Manhattans should have become a soul standard.

I prefer "uneasily allied to, but not especially subservient to, Jesus." You get Bowie, U2, Peter Gabriel, Kanye, Alice Cooper, Bob Dylan and XTC.

Somewhere, Lin-Manuel Miranda just started writing his character establishing rap.

That was me for a good three years or so. She and I both knew I had very little romantic/sexual interest in her; but at the same time I'll be damned if I'm gonna let a deeply wounded Humpty Dumpty of a person flounder, even if I have to throw myself under the bus for them repeatedly.

The best depiction of adult Ron and Hermione is probably Dre and Bow on Black-Ish.

True Blood infamously ended that exact way. Flash forward and Sookie is married to… a human stranger.

I think the audience quality may vary: the adult show I was at was much more topical, coming as it did the week after Covfefe. Jeff Sessions and president Oprah Winfrey was one of the highlights.

It's a short time in the history of cruising, but a long time in terms of "licensed franchising on a ship." Norwegian was/is one of the first major cruise lines to use licensed entertaining: Second City instead of independent stand up comedians, and transferred productions of real Broadway and Off-Broadway shows

They say Bob Fosse, at his peak, fucked one thousand different women in a single year. That averages about three different women a day plus ones that he was with more than one time.

I wasn't at the party, but one of my not-so-rowdy theatre friends of a more academic bent was doing a double feature screening of 1776 and a near-professional bootleg of Hamilton.

Like his namesake, Mac Tonight is no stranger to murder, but prefers sex crimes.

And a cult soul singer.

I'd say that's cool, but not only the term cool but the entire sociological concept are taken from AAVE related to ones ability to remain free and socially unfettered in the face of a white world.

I got an accidental masters that way too. Went in for English compositional pedagogy, got a second MA in women/gender/queer studies.

"Fisch- and plancktonnn! Seeeea grrrrreeens and prrrroteins frrom the sseeaaaa! Thehyh're all heeah… fressssccchhh as cccchhhharvvesst ddaayyyy."

I had drinks with Paige Davis, formerly of "Trading Spaces" and now a major theatre performer, on Saturday. She and her entourage were celebrating the extension of a show she's in, and they invited me (as a local theatre critic and writer) to join them. Much to my delight, she turned out to be a charming, genuine and

Kind of the opposite- General Stanley is educated, cultured, verbose and more than a little effete. A big chunk of the joke is that (like so many of the Gilbert and Sullivan "clown roles") he's a nerd with book smarts and no practical experience, thrown in over his head but enabled by bureaucracy.

When the countdown clock hits zero, suicide becomes not only legal but mandatory.