
Josh Capon is on the right track, but I'd take it a step further- try experimenting with Scotch Eggs, hard-boiled eggs wrapped in individual mini-meatloaves. If you're paleo, like my parents intermittently are, you can serve them like that, with Frank's Red Hot and/or Worcestershire sauce for dipping or smothering. If

Early German silent films had an air of faux-science about them, and filmmakers would style themselves as doctors or nurses, not necessarily as artists. There's a great book called "Only the Dead Know Burbank" that imagines a lich-like "living dead girl" floating through the silent-movie industry back and forth across

There's a band called The Toons from the late 70s and early 80s, the era of high-concept satirical New Wave groups like Devo, Oingo Boingo and The Tubes. They put out one live album, one studio album and a handful of singles, but despite having fantastic harmonic chops and a knack for hooks, they could never decide if

The correct answer here is "pretty much all of them." All the essential core members went into scoring.

In a shocking compromise, Hillary Clinton confirmed as new Leia.

Sherilyn Fenn kind of has the look. She's a little younger, of course, but she's Carrie Fisher-esque.

Nah- if my girlfriend can't be bothered, neither can a diaper.

Harry Potter and the Pizza Stone: Harry is sorted into Hufflepuff House. He spends the next seven years eating, getting high and having no-strings casual sex, happily and willfully oblivious to the growing bigotry and violence inside and outside the school.

This sounds like someone found the monster and basic "story hook" from a Matt Smith era Doctor Who "monster of the week" episode, removed all copyrighted elements, and tried to make a film out of it. Surely the TARDIS shows up 2/3 of the way through, right?

Deeeeeeeee MINUS
Wider than a mile-

I'm gonna say Netflix or one of the more "high concept" Lifetime offerings. It features Alan Cumming as Krampus and Robbie Coltrane as the Yule Goat.

At a Christmas dinner, the Santa Claus family ask Female Santa Claus Junior (who MUST have some kind of a better name, but I can't think of one. Fuck it, she's Polly Claus) to sing them a Christmas song. Her song involves the rape and slaughter of the elves, and closes with the North Pole burning to the ground as she

I'm pretty sure one of the Mexican places in my town is run by shady characters of some kind. I don't know if illegal, but it's a front of some kind. The three guys who run it dress like literal exploitation-movie pimps when they're off duty. My brother used to work Geek Squad, and he said the restaurateurs used to

He could probably pass for "famous but not super famous" era Hugh Jackman. Like when he was in the musical about Peter Allen and he dance around in a half shirt shaking maracas for three hours.

A paradigm shifting without a clutch.

Match Game is a guilty pleasure of mine. It's mindless, laugh-it-up fun with no pretenses, a healthy streak of self loathing, and a great shaggy hang-out vibe. It's more like Whose Line than the actual revived Whose Line ever gets to be.

It's much like the way Osama Bin Laden's death breaking on Twitter before the mainstream media was a joke, a bit of comedic gold, several years ago. Today, we expect the use of Twitter as a news and statement blast medium, perhaps more than we associate it with "dumb teens talking about dumb things."

All I keep thinking is how South Park correlated Internet trolls, piss-porn and the 2016 election. They got a lot wrong, but somehow they hit THAT bullseye.

Somebody pitched a movie a few years ago where Santa wasn't really a guy with physical attributes, but a magical figure, the spirit of Christmas. The character would remain the same, but if he was visiting a black neighborhood, Santa would be Laurence Fishburne, but a Chinese kid would see him and see Jackie Chan, for

It seems that we as a society like our celebrities bitter, cynical, and somewhat condescending to their audience. Anything else and they're "too sincere," "glad-handing" or "insufferable theatre kids."