
White, gay AND atheist? They're just going to bump you onto the "Jew" list for economy of space.

12. "Wood Chuck," by Goldfinger

Well, unless your ancestors were Vikings who believed that only in war and chaos can a person be truly valid, you're probably living in their idea of heaven. Even as bad as things are right now.

I was lucky enough to see Martin Short do "A Party With Marty: Or, If I'd Saved My Money, We Wouldn't Be Here." It was a comedy sketch show and mini musical in which he spun stories and reenacted some of his greatest sketches from his comedy specials, with a small cast and a few celebrity guests.

But "Gigantic" has a score by The Pixies!

Hercules is a fantastic satire of the entertainment industry, with gods being superpowered celebrities, Hercules being much bigger as a product than as a person, and with Meg being as close to an actual no-beating-around-the-bush prostitute as a Disney cartoon can get, being fucked with by a series of sleazy Hollywood

It's all back in the stage show.

It's called "Reefer Madness," and it's everything you've ever wished for.

The rise of the conservatory system of somewhat insular training has led to this bubble mentality; it's also interesting but not necessarily productive that such a large swath of the theatre world's creative talent is somewhat homogeneous: white, gay cultural Jews from the New York area.

Bush never WAS the American Idiot of the album and song of the same name- he (and/or H.W. depending on whether the story is set in the First or Second Gulf War) is the "President Gasman." The American Idiots are the "one nation controlled by the media," who accomplish nothing and are satiated by entertainment news and

And if you hit, you'll blow up the moon! So, cool.

Willis's surrealist Christmas anthology "Miracle" is fun for this time of year.

Shakespeare all day every day… I'm up to "Cymbeline" (which is also an underrated Pink Floyd song), and have three to go after this. Four if I track down one of the alleged copies of "Cardenio."

And the B-52s make the case that all rock songs should feature a "gay shouty guy."

If your childhood included Ice Cream Bunny, that raises more questions than it answers.

Blood ain't family. Family earns it.

I'm rapidly nearing the end of my Shakespeare challenge- I had initially predicted I'd be done by Christmas, but it's looking more like Thanksgiving now. And I'm relieved- much as I love Shakespeare in general, I'm going through some Shakey fatigue processing so much of his stuff at once.

In which a crippled Elmo tries to crawl across a farm to his decaying barn?

The Secret History, by Donna Tartt.

If by that you mean "naked on a hill under ridiculous moonlight," hey, me too.