
TRUE SHOWBIZ TALES #26- In September, I did "The Little Mermaid" in an ensemble track, and our Sebastian was supposed to be a well-respected local black musical theatre actor who had appeared on Broadway and in the tour of "Jersey Boys." When he dropped out, a white actor was cast (Sebastian is a hard role onstage, as

Well enough, but not exemplary, seems to be the common consensus.

It's very Cronenberg according to the expanded story in the stage version- it wasn't an immediate transformation; rather, the servants of the palace were transformed slowly and agonizingly into the embodiment of their duties in the palace. When Maurice arrives, Cogsworth is half-man, half-clock. By the time Belle

Linda Woolverton's script for the original animated feature was cut down for time, and she restored many of her ideas to the popular stage version. The problematic areas of the Belle/Beast relationship are smoothed over by a focus on Belle's own evolution.

The fluid nature of the lyric set, and the way covers of covers include disparate elements from multiple versions, has made "Hallelujah" probably the closest simulacrum of an organic folk song in the modern era.

I work in the Bureau of Disability Determination in my state (PA), and we get angry calls from those same "rural white people" pretty much daily. There's a huge misconception about how disability works: when these people get their doctors to declare them disabled, they're under the impression the government will, or

At least the movies really committed to Voldemort being a lich in an artificial, ill-maintained second body. The book just kind of handwaves exactly what the resurrected Voldemort IS.

I'm guessing that the "Fantastic Beasts" franchise is going to turn into either the "Wizarding World" or the "Newt Scamander" franchise right quick. The initial plan seems to have been for a stand-alone magical caper film or two, but more and more during the process they decided to dig into the Wizarding War, turning

Jenny Slate as Poison Ivy?

It's 2016, and society is queer-friendly enough to watch American Horror Story, but not queer-friendly enough to make "Harley and Ivy" a major franchise (or elect a woman, or not elect Donald Trump, etc. etc. etc.). You'd think "two polyamorous, pansexual ex-supervillians turned anarchic antiheroes, who have lots of

If this one doesn't crash and burn, maybe we can get X-Men Origins: Storm!

That slow, dark version was also used in "The Leftovers," where it worked in context.


Oh! It's "Measure for Measure" all over again! I guess this means Obama is disguised as a mad monk, roaming the countryside and preparing Trump's comeuppance?

"It's alright, Frosty, everything's going to be just fine. I'm here- there's nothing to worry about!"

There's one in the spotlight, looks blue collar to me! GET HIM UP AGAINST THE WALL!!!!

His lack of visible erogenous zones indicates clearly that Jasmine pegs him in the royal marriage bed.

We'll rumble! Puddingheads versus PokéMusicians. Under the overpass, six o'clock. No knives. Afraid to get close? Afraid to slug it out? Afraid to use plain skin?

I assumed your avatar was some meme I hadn't heard of, and finally got around to Googling it… Nope. Chancellor Puddinghead is an actual Pony.