
What's new, Buenos Aires?

Hey, Woody Allen isn't as powerful as he used to be.

"I would prefer not to tell you my real name. Instead, you may think of me by the peculiar patronym of Adolf Adolf."

Imagine a scary alternate universe where in four years it's impolite NOT to behave in a Trumpian manner.

He said "in autumn 2016
It felt like the world would freeze
With Hamilton, Donald Trump
And AV Club."

Salvation Army band played
And the children drunk lemonade
And the box set lasted all day
It's Mad Men

I know there are a few fan edits of the prequels that do this- I'd like to see one that does the same thing to the Original Trilogy, to see how that plays.

I'll start growing a beard and learning some bluegrass now. If Ken Burns has taught me anything, it's that civil war, beards and bluegrass are inseparable.

The sex is still amazing/And we don't stay up so late!

If Jar Jar Binks is ultimately a GWB analogue, this means we just elected Boss Nass.

I saw it as a possible homage to Michael Myers's mask reveals in the original "Halloween:" he's just a normal guy under there, not deformed or mechanical or anything outwardly sinister. Kylo is a comment on the banality of evil, not on the inevitability of larger than life Evil.

Best/worst (is berst a word yet?) dip I ever had: In high school, one of my science teachers brought the class Redneck Cheesecake dip. It's a block of cream cheese. You dip your chip in the cream cheese, then sprinkle powdered sugar on top. Strawberry sauce optional.

Even the Bible, which some will object to as part of the dominant force, tells a chronological story of the evolution from social control based morality intended for a nomadic tribe in the barbarian era, to an ethical and humanist morality intended for a civilized era.

"Tahm is a flat circle, awright awright awright."

Do you use a lot of handouts and supplemental materials, or operate on a purely lecture and discussion based system? Based on your comments here, I would trust you in that position, but there are some academics I would not trust on their word alone.

These photos look like stills from the long-lost deleted sequence in "Hello Dolly" where Minnie Fay and and Michael Crawford drop acid with Barbra Streissand.

I had that horrible nightmare a few months ago where each side threatened mass suicide in the wake of their candidate's loss. Millions dead. Looking at Trump's 100-day plan, my nightmare might be the optimistic view of the future.

Thaaaaat's… her. Fuck.

It's a little bit creepy how accurate that is…

I mentored a fantastic young actress who is quickly becoming ALMOST too old to play Putter in "The Ricky Coogin Show." In 2011, she was a literal nobody, a homeschool kid doing her first summer camp play. In 2016 she's a professional actress playing multiple roles in PICT's "Merchant of Venice" at fifteen years old.