

I met someone like that once. It turns out that that kind of relationship is draining and unsustainable, and that a girl who wants to fall quickly, "save you from yourself" and change your life is going to want that experience with every guy she meets.
And good luck to her! She's not a bad person, just a tiring one who

No, Morty, Morty, you just gotta Wa(belch)ang Chung tonight. Like the song says, Morty. They can't say it in a song if it's not true. So just, just pull out your dick and wang it and then chung it around. Yeah. Wang Chung tonight, Morty. Wang fucking Chung. Like Grandpa.

It's only included as a bonus track (it was a single release originally), but Allan Sherman's "My Son the Vampire" is allegedly where the "vampires going blaaah" trope comes from. His mush-mouthed, groaning Yiddish pronunciation of "blood" throughout the song may have given rise to the idea, though people wrongly

Fringe feminism has sort of fallen into the shadows as toxic masculinity has become more frequently discussed, but there was such a concept as "ethical lesbianism;" that women may not be lesbians by orientation, but that they can (and probably should) better their lives by abstaining from relationships with or

The early Elton John albums are a split between the brilliant, tossed-off pop-gospel singles, and a very strange genre Sir Elton pretty much invented by himself. He mixed folk, blues, country, rock and the film music of Herrmann and Morricone to create a sometimes airy, sometimes very heavy concoction.

Elton John's songs are often a little twistier in structure than, say, a Randy Newman or Billy Joel piano-singer-songwriter song of the same era. This is because Taupin just wrote, leaving it to Elton to figure out how, let alone if, the lyrics (more poems, really) could be set to music or not.

He will host their new love and dating advice show, with Mystery as co-host. "NIKE Presents: The Just Do 'Em Hour."

Not caring who they are, where they're from or what they did as long as she loves them is gonna backfire when they discover that those answers are Aileen Wuornos, beyond the grave, and multiple murders.

Only a Lad- Oingo Boingo
Farley's Song- Shock Treatment
Quote Unquote (Travolta)- Mr. Bungle

I've heard the joke among actors before that in acting school, they teach men and women a few "emotional tropes" they should be able to play: for women it's "sexpot" and "quiet desperation." For men it's "leading man," "someone's dad" and "gay."

That it's easier to dig a hole than build a pole, so intersex children wind up as girls with issues they can't explain when they hit puberty?

She had a rough patch that got all the attention, but DiCaprio had his "wooden pretty boy" period too. Both of them have blossomed into respected and talented performers more than capable of carrying a prestige piece. Maybe in 10 years we'll be saying "Where's Kristen Stewart's Oscar?"

He then mugged both the mugger and the victim.

Maybe he's launching a new religion: "Christ is out. Christ is a wuss. Let's all be Trumpians! How about this: Thou SHALT covet they neighbor's wife! Thou SHALT commit adultery! Thou SHALT steal and bear false witness! Doesn't that sound better than this love-thy-neighbor crap?"

El Trumpo… just makes me think of the bizarre "Maya and Marty" sketch where Donald Trump is nothing but a Mexican Telemundo variety show character.

And he also has weird hair and creeps on younger women!

Godless could technically be used as a synonym for atheist, but it tends to imply wickedness more than atheism. It hearkens back to the one most damning sin to the early Catholic Church: "willful apostasy." To believe in the existence of God and reject him or his teachings anyway.

"Yes, woman, yes cry/Donald likes it, that's why."

White nationalists and conspiracy theorists all think the Jews are running the world. Either they are wrong, and racist; or they are right, and the Jews should be left in peace to run the world, as every time anyone tries to unseat them from power things go terribly, terribly wrong.