
I tried Dota one time. Well, it was 2 times, but the first time i entered and said it was my first game, it seemed my team instantly dissapeared.

I was just trying to be a smartass, but yes, this will help me sleep much better

Why is the german one DRPG and not GRPG? is it because the german word for german is deutsch??

At first glance i thought it was some random woman and Rinoa from FF VIII.

The sad thing here.. I’ve played on a pvp server since launch and i can count on 1 hand the times someone initiated a fair pvp match. it was always 4V1 or his lvlcapped friends around the corner. Corpse camping for ages. one rogue was stealthed for atleast 20 minutes just waiting for me to return to oneshot me again.

The question im asking myself now... Will i buy bayonetta 1 for the 3rd time -.- i just might... i guess it’s gonna depend on the price

I was about to ask something like this. I’ve played it, and while i liked it, it didnt get anywhere close to the quality i expected after the constant showers of praise it has been getting.

Pee is like.. one of the cleanest things to leave your body. You`ll get more shit on you by grabbing any doorknob.

It worked so well...? did it ?
This is the first time i ever saw that game and i have a feeling its gonna be the last time too

That’s not really dispoving anything.

Did they change that “game” any? When it first launched i tried it for a while and all i did was drag pokeballs on weedles. and crushing weedles into candy. though i could not compete with the weird folk around me that had super high lvl guys in the gyms of pokemon i hadnt seen in my entire town. guess i have to

Doubt this can happen.

This is the only place i ever heard of Diwali.. is that bad? :p

Publicly taunting north korea? yea thats just “a little crappy”

Yeah labeling people because they like a certain cartoon show. Thats very mature.

When they say its “just” design, its pretty clear it had no purpose other than being designed that way. Its pointless, but so is most fashion or architecture

My god.. its rounded.. kinda like almost every controller after the nintendo :o

I always was under the impression a big company would do some version control.

Few days late on replying, but... they really have that many exclusives? are they all on the eshop or something? in the store i see maybe 8 games in the switch section. I’ve been holding off on buying a switch for this reason (though mario comming up is gonna push me into getting it anyway)

If a guy would be openly mocking me for being bad at a unreleased game, i would probably have some less than family friendly words for him.