
Another example of the Leftist Liberals ignoring or denying personal responsibility and looking to others for a better life or expecting others to provide for them or provide things to make them a better person. How about you don't drink yourself stupid douche? Problem solved.

Absolutely WRONG! First, Siri is a quantum leap from current voice recognition in cell phones. Second you understand that Siri is server-based because it requires a massive database and accumulating that much data along with, what and how people will ask questions requires a much larger sampling that you could ever

Stargate fan or crazy coincedence?

Life signs detector...

Calm down. One word decaf.

The listeners

That argument is so flawed it would take charts, diagrams and computers to illustrate the depth of the stupidity. I would just say this.. you're arguing for your limitations. How's that worked out for you?

Wow! Worst thing I've seen in a long time. The director should be shot and could that guy grunt just a little more? I wanted to shoot him just so he'd stop grunting and overacting.

You should really learn to read. Let go of stupid catch phrases like hanger queen it just makes you look even more ignorant. You have no clue of the the plane's capability or performance record. As for Libya what resistance do they offer to require our best? Would you work on your car in a tuxedo? Read, learn

So there's a witches council that monitor psychic power misuse and revoke their powers if used for personal gain as if any act they were to use their so-called powers for wasn't for personal gain i.e. food, housing, auto, support just where is this arbitrary line to be drawn? The witches council of course, I should

Until now...thank you!

Right because soldering a few wires on to a circuit board is a rare talent and stealing income and jobs from an American company makes him a hero! Stupid Corporate America!

Obviously designed by someone that's never tried it outside of a computer. That design is nothing short of ridiculous and impractical on so many levels I would need a computer to explain them all. Please don't waste money funding this seriously flawed design.

It wouldn't have sunk if when David Blair left the Titanic on 9 April 1912 he had not taken with him the key to the Crow's nest locker with the damn binoculars, presumably by accident. Then again I guess breaking in to a locker was just beyond their level of expertise at that time or being able to see where they were

Good plan except step 1) can't be done with with this artificial leaf, splitting the hydrogen-oxygen bond is easier said than done which is why we have no cars running on water.