
When will men understand that words like “mansplain” are not sexist. You are not the oppressed. Words like “sexism” and “racism” are used to describe how the oppressed are treated, not how the oppressed in turn treat their oppressors. Give me a break.

gosh, i can’t think why nobody is starring your comment....

if Ajit Pai was a comedian like John Oliver, then yeah. but he’s the Chairman of the FCC. he should be more... professional?

How entitled do you have to be to think there is no other reason than entitlement to make a flight on time? The same day as this incident my dad was flying to chemo treatment. You think he is “entitled” for telling them he didn’t want to take a later flight?

consumers have the right to purchase a reservation and demand to keep it.

Fuck your employees. Rent them a car for their five-hour drive

Plenty is not how I would describe it, in fact I would wager that the number of major AAA PC games that see stable launches is the minority and greatly overshadowed by the number of games that release with serious graphical, mechanical or server related issues.